On 15 December 2016 at 19:13, Wes Turner <wes.turner@gmail.com> wrote:
Just to add my POV, I also find your posts unhelpful, Wes. There's not enough information for me to evaluate what you say, and you offer no actual solutions to what's being discussed.
I could quote myself suggesting solutions in this thread, if you like?
You offer lots of pointers to information. But that's different. Anyway, let's just agree to differ - I can skip your mails if they aren't helpful to me, and you don't need to bother about the fact that you're not getting your points across to me. Who knows, one day I might find the time to look into JSON-LD, at which point I may or may not understand why you think it's such a useful tool for solving all these problems (in spite of the fact that no-one else seems to think the same...) Paul