Attached is the first pass of bdist_sdux.py for making binary packages for HP-UX Software distributor (SD-UX). I took a little more time on this than on bdist_pkgtool, but not much, and I still claim very little knowledge about how I'm "supposed" to be doing this, so anyone who has time to take a look and advise me on better ways please (PLEASE!) do so. Anyway, this creates relocatable packages for HP, although they install by default into the site-packages path as discovered on the BUILD machine. The quick way to get proper re-location on the install machine would be to provide a shell wrapper with the package that would find the proper install directory and relocate the package appropriately. Or, just make the admin tell it to go elsewhere manually. The problem with this is HP's concept of a "depot" allows for the creation of a repository somewhere on the network where packages can be installed from. To use this effectively, packages should just do the right thing whenever they can. So... bdist_sdux created packages can't be put in a depot unless all machines installed python in the same place. I'm still trying to figure out a gracefull way to trick SD-UX into putting them in the right place, maybe making a pseudo-package that installs the python package and then uninstalls itself. Any HP users out there with ideas, please email me. For now, my choice is to just cope ;| Although I'm not totally satisfied with the state of either bdist-pkgtool or bdist_sdux, they sufficiently "scratch my itch" for now, so I'm not likely to make any changes of my own accord for some time. If anyone else start's using them, (or even reading them) however, I'll work any bugs or suggestions for improvement. Mark mwa@gate.net