I’m happy to announce the 6th, and hopefully final, draft of PEP 440. Theupdates to this PEP take into account feedback from several large projects andusers of various systems (such as Linux package tools) where this would beexpected to interface with. It also takes into account experience gained fromattempting to implement this PEP fully as a proof of concept within pip.Significant updates to the PEP include:* Switching the Epoch identifier from : to ! as : is not valid in a directoryname on Windows.* Local version identifiers use + as a seperator in order to reduce ambigiutywith existing versions on PyPI.* Allow alpha numerics for local versions.* Define a sorting algorithm for local versions.* Moved the source label to PEP 426* Normalization rules for parsing more versions following along the idea ofPostel's Law.* Declare that PEP 440 supercedes PEP 386 for Metadata 1.2, and also should beused for Metadata 1.0 and 1.1.* Declare how invalid versions should be handled.* Add the escape hatch "Arbitrary equality" operator === to allow depending onversions which cannot be parsed by PEP 440.* Make specifier syntax match what setuptools uses (foo==1.0 instead of foo (==1.0))* Remove the default specifier.* Use @ for direct references instead of "from".* Create a reference implementation and Link To it.* Lots more minor changes.The outcome of these changes is that we were able to raise compatability withall the versions registered with PyPI up to 98.12% and we sort 99.88% ofprojects registered with PyPI the same as pkg_resources does when filteringinvalid versions from the list of versions. The fallout is that 498 projects,or 1.06%, are no longer installable without using the ``===`` operator and 190projects, or 0.4%, of projects have a different result for what the "latest"version is.Of the 498 projects a number of them are nonsensical versions like ``.`` orthe repr of lazy objects and of the 190 projects projects it's about evenlysplit between projects where pkg_resources supported something we didn't andwhere PEP 440 just simply does a better job at parsing and sorting versions.You can see the pip proof of concept and a large discussion about normalizationat https://github.com/pypa/pip/pull/1894 and the reference implementation canbe found at https://github.com/pypa/packaging/pull/1. The Proof of Concept doesnot allow using the new specifiers inside of an install_requires in a sourcedistribution because setuptools itself does not support it, but it does supportthem on the command line and in requirements.txt files.The online view of the PEP can be found athttps://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0440/ and the changes since the last postingcan be found at http://hg.python.org/peps/rev/59a0d31a1bc2 andWithout further ado, the PEP itself:Abstract========This PEP describes a scheme for identifying versions of Python softwaredistributions, and declaring dependencies on particular versions.This document addresses several limitations of the previous attempt at astandardized approach to versioning, as described in PEP 345 and PEP 386.Definitions===========The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT","SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in thisdocument are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.The following terms are to be interpreted as described in PEP 426:* "Distributions"* "Releases"* "Build tools"* "Index servers"* "Publication tools"* "Installation tools"* "Automated tools"* "Projects"Version scheme==============Distributions are identified by a public version identifier whichsupports all defined version comparison operationsThe version scheme is used both to describe the distribution versionprovided by a particular distribution archive, as well as to placeconstraints on the version of dependencies needed in order to build orrun the software.Public version identifiers--------------------------
Public version identifiers MUST comply with the following scheme::[N!]N(.N)*[{a|b|c}N][.postN][.devN]Public version identifiers MUST NOT include leading or trailing whitespace.Public version identifiers MUST be unique within a given distribution.Installation tools SHOULD ignore any public versions which do not comply withthis scheme. Installation tools MAY warn the user when non-compliantor ambiguous versions are detected.Public version identifiers are separated into up to five segments:* Epoch segment: ``N!``* Release segment: ``N(.N)*``* Pre-release segment: ``{a|b|c}N``* Post-release segment: ``.postN``* Development release segment: ``.devN``Any given release will be a "final release", "pre-release", "post-release" or"developmental release" as defined in the following sections.All numeric components MUST be non-negative integers.All numeric components MUST be interpreted and ordered according to theirnumeric value, not as text strings.All numeric components MAY be zero. Except as described below for therelease segment, a numeric component of zero has no special significanceaside from always being the lowest possible value in the version ordering... note::Some hard to read version identifiers are permitted by this scheme inorder to better accommodate the wide range of versioning practicesacross existing public and private Python projects.Accordingly, some of the versioning practices which are technicallypermitted by the PEP are strongly discouraged for new projects. Wherethis is the case, the relevant details are noted in the followingsections.Local version identifiers-------------------------Local version identifiers MUST comply with the following scheme::<public version identifier>[+<local version label>]They consist of a normal public version identifier (as defined in theprevious section), along with an arbitrary "local version label", separatedfrom the public version identifier by a plus. Local version labels haveno specific semantics assigned, but some syntactic restrictions are imposed.Local version identifiers are used to denote fully API (and, if applicable,ABI) compatible patched versions of upstream projects. For example, thesemay be created by application developers and system integrators by applyingspecific backported bug fixes when upgrading to a new upstream release wouldbe too disruptive to the application or other integrated system (such as aLinux distribution).The inclusion of the local version label makes it possible to differentiateupstream releases from potentially altered rebuilds by downstreamintegrators. The use of a local version identifier does not affect the kindof a release but, when applied to a source distribution, does indicate thatit may not contain the exact same code as the corresponding upstream release.To ensure local version identifiers can be readily incorporated as part offilenames and URLs, and to avoid formatting inconsistencies in hexadecimalhash representations, local version labels MUST be limited to the followingset of permitted characters:* ASCII letters (``[a-zA-Z]``)* ASCII digits (``[0-9]``)* periods (``.``)Local version labels MUST start and end with an ASCII letter or digit.Comparison and ordering of local versions considers each segment of the localversion (divided by a ``.``) separately. If a segment consists entirely ofASCII digits then that section should be considered an integer for comparisonpurposes and if a segment contains any ASCII letters than that segment iscompared lexicographically with case insensitivity. When comparing a numericand lexicographic segment, the numeric section always compares as greater thanthe lexicographic segment. Additionally a local version with a great number ofsegments will always compare as greater than a local version with fewersegments, as long as the shorter local version's segments match the beginningof the longer local version's segments exactly.Local version identifiers may be used in most locations where a publicversion identifier is expected, with the exception of any version specifiersthat explicitly rely on being able to unambiguously order candidate versions.Public index servers SHOULD NOT allow the use of local version identifiersfor uploaded distributions.Source distributions using a local version identifier SHOULD provide the``python.integrator`` extension metadata (as defined in :pep:`459`).Final releases--------------A version identifier that consists solely of a release segment and optionallyan epoch identifier is termed a "final release".The release segment consists of one or more non-negative integervalues, separated by dots::N[.N]+Final releases within a project MUST be numbered in a consistentlyincreasing fashion, otherwise automated tools will not be able to upgradethem correctly.Comparison and ordering of release segments considers the numeric valueof each component of the release segment in turn. When comparing releasesegments with different numbers of components, the shorter segment ispadded out with additional zeros as necessary.While any number of additional components after the first are permittedunder this scheme, the most common variants are to use two components("major.minor") or three components ("major.minor.micro").For example:: release series is any set of final release numbers that start with acommon prefix. For example, ``3.3.1``, ``3.3.5`` and ```` are allpart of the ``3.3`` release series... note::``X.Y`` and ``X.Y.0`` are not considered distinct release numbers, asthe release segment comparison rules implicit expand the two componentform to ``X.Y.0`` when comparing it to any release segment that includesthree components.Date based release segments are also permitted. An example of a date basedrelease scheme using the year and month of the release::2012.042012.072012.102013.012013.06...Pre-releases------------Some projects use an "alpha, beta, release candidate" pre-release cycle tosupport testing by their users prior to a final release.If used as part of a project's development cycle, these pre-releases areindicated by including a pre-release segment in the version identifier::X.YaN # Alpha releaseX.YbN # Beta releaseX.YcN # Candidate releaseX.Y # Final releaseA version identifier that consists solely of a release segment and apre-release segment is termed a "pre-release".The pre-release segment consists of an alphabetical identifier for thepre-release phase, along with a non-negative integer value. Pre-releases fora given release are ordered first by phase (alpha, beta, release candidate)and then by the numerical component within that phase.Installation tools MAY accept both ``c`` and ``rc`` releases for a commonrelease segment in order to handle some existing legacy distributions.Installation tools SHOULD interpret ``rc`` versions as being equivalent to``c`` versions (that is, ``rc1`` indicates the same version as ``c1``).Build tools, publication tools and index servers SHOULD disallow the creationof both ``c`` and ``rc`` releases for a common release segment.Post-releases-------------Some projects use post-releases to address minor errors in a final releasethat do not affect the distributed software (for example, correcting an errorin the release notes).If used as part of a project's development cycle, these post-releases areindicated by including a post-release segment in the version identifier::X.Y.postN # Post-releaseA version identifier that includes a post-release segment without adevelopmental release segment is termed a "post-release".The post-release segment consists of the string ``.post``, followed by anon-negative integer value. Post-releases are ordered by theirnumerical component, immediately following the corresponding release,and ahead of any subsequent release... note::The use of post-releases to publish maintenance releases containingactual bug fixes is strongly discouraged. In general, it is betterto use a longer release number and increment the final componentfor each maintenance release.Post-releases are also permitted for pre-releases::X.YaN.postM # Post-release of an alpha releaseX.YbN.postM # Post-release of a beta releaseX.YcN.postM # Post-release of a release candidate.. note::Creating post-releases of pre-releases is strongly discouraged, asit makes the version identifier difficult to parse for human readers.In general, it is substantially clearer to simply create a newpre-release by incrementing the numeric component.Developmental releases----------------------Some projects make regular developmental releases, and system packagers(especially for Linux distributions) may wish to create early releasesdirectly from source control which do not conflict with later projectreleases.If used as part of a project's development cycle, these developmentalreleases are indicated by including a developmental release segment in theversion identifier::X.Y.devN # Developmental releaseA version identifier that includes a developmental release segment istermed a "developmental release".
The developmental release segment consists of the string ``.dev``,followed by a non-negative integer value. Developmental releases are orderedby their numerical component, immediately before the corresponding release(and before any pre-releases with the same release segment), and followingany previous release (including any post-releases).Developmental releases are also permitted for pre-releases andpost-releases::X.YaN.devM # Developmental release of an alpha releaseX.YbN.devM # Developmental release of a beta releaseX.YcN.devM # Developmental release of a release candidateX.Y.postN.devM # Developmental release of a post-release.. note::Creating developmental releases of pre-releases is stronglydiscouraged, as it makes the version identifier difficult to parse forhuman readers. In general, it is substantially clearer to simply createadditional pre-releases by incrementing the numeric component.Developmental releases of post-releases are also strongly discouraged,but they may be appropriate for projects which use the post-releasenotation for full maintenance releases which may include code changes.Version epochs--------------If included in a version identifier, the epoch appears before all othercomponents, separated from the release segment by an exclamation mark::E!X.Y # Version identifier with epochIf no explicit epoch is given, the implicit epoch is ``0``.Most version identifiers will not include an epoch, as an explicit epoch isonly needed if a project *changes* the way it handles version numbering ina way that means the normal version ordering rules will give the wronganswer. For example, if a project is using date based versions like``2014.04`` and would like to switch to semantic versions like ``1.0``, thenthe new releases would be identified as *older* than the date based releaseswhen using the normal sorting scheme::, by specifying an explicit epoch, the sort order can be changedappropriately, as all versions from a later epoch are sorted after versionsfrom an earlier epoch::2013.102014.041!1.01!1.11!2.0Normalization-------------In order to maintain better compatibility with existing versions there are anumber of "alternative" syntaxes that MUST be taken into account when parsingversions. These syntaxes MUST be considered when parsing a version, howeverthey should be "normalized" to the standard syntax defined above.Case sensitivity~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~All ascii letters should be interpreted case insensitively within a version andthe normal form is lowercase. This allows versions such as ``1.1RC1`` whichwould be normalized to ``1.1c1``.Integer Normalization~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~All integers are interpreted via the ``int()`` built in and normalize to thestring form of the output. This means that an integer version of ``00`` wouldnormalize to ``0`` while ``09000`` would normalize to ``9000``. This does nothold true for integers inside of an alphanumeric segment of a local versionsuch as ``1.0+foo0100`` which is already in its normalized form.Pre-release separators~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Pre-releases should allow a ``.``, ``-``, or ``_`` separator between therelease segment and the pre-release segment. The normal form for this iswithout a separator. This allows versions such as ``1.1.a1`` or ``1.1-a1``which would be normalized to ``1.1a1``. It should also allow a seperator tobe used between the pre-release signifier and the numeral. This allows versionssuch as ``1.0a.1`` which would be normalized to ``1.0a1``.Pre-release spelling~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Pre-releases allow the additional spellings of ``alpha``, ``beta``, ``rc``,``pre``, and ``preview`` for ``a``, ``b``, ``c``, ``c``, and ``c`` respectively.This allows versions such as ``1.1alpha1``, ``1.1beta2``, or ``1.1rc3`` whichnormalize to ``1.1a1``, ``1.1b2``, and ``1.1c3``. In every case the additionalspelling should be considered equivalent to their normal forms.Implicit pre-release number~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Pre releases allow omitting the numeral in which case it is implicitly assumedto be ``0``. The normal form for this is to include the ``0`` explicitly. Thisallows versions such as ``1.2a`` which is normalized to ``1.2a0``.Post release separators~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Post releases allow a ``.``,``-``, or ``_`` separator as well as omitting theseparator all together. The normal form of this is with the ``.`` separator.This allows versions such as ``1.2-post2`` or ``1.2post2`` which normalize to``1.2.post2``. Like the pre-release seperator this also allows an optionalseparator between the post release signifier and the numeral. This allowsversions like ``1.2.post-2`` which would normalize to ``1.2.post2``.Post release spelling~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Post-releases allow the additional spellings of ``rev`` and ``r``. This allowsversions such as ``1.0-r4`` which normalizes to ``1.0.post4``. As with thepre-releases the additional spellings should be considered equivalent to theirnormal forms.Implicit post release number~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Post releases allow omiting the numeral in which case it is implicitly assumedto be ``0``. The normal form for this is to include the ``0`` explicitly. Thisallows versions such as ``1.2.post`` which is normalized to ``1.2.post0``.Implicit post releases~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Post releases allow omitting the ``post`` signifier all together. When usingthis form the separator MUST be ``-`` and no other form is allowed. This allowsversions such as ``1.0-1`` to be normalized to ``1.0.post1``. This particularnormalization MUST NOT be used in conjunction with the implicit post releasenumber rule. In other words ``1.0-`` is *not* a valid version and it does *not*normalize to ``1.0.post0``.Development release separators~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Development releases allow a ``.``, ``-``, or a ``_`` separator as well asomitting the separator all together. The normal form of this is with the ``.``separator. This allows versions such as ``1.2-dev2`` or ``1.2dev2`` whichnormalize to ``1.2.dev2``.Implicit development release number~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Development releases allow omiting the numeral in which case it is implicitlyassumed to be ``0``. The normal form for this is to include the ``0``explicitly. This allows versions such as ``1.2.dev`` which is normalized to``1.2.dev0``.Local version segments~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~With a local version, in addition to the use of ``.`` as a separator ofsegments, the use of ``-`` and ``_`` is also acceptable. The normal form isusing the ``.`` character. This allows versions such as ``1.0+ubuntu-1`` to benormalized to ``1.0+ubuntu.1``.Preceding v character~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~In order to support the common version notation of ``v1.0`` versions may bepreceded by a single literal ``v`` character. This character MUST be ignoredfor all purposes and should be omitted from all normalized forms of theversion. The same version with and without the ``v`` is considered equivalent.Leading and Trailing Whitespace~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Leading and trailing whitespace must be silently ignored and removed from allnormalized forms of a version. This includes ``" "``, ``\t``, ``\n``, ``\r``,``\f``, and ``\v``. This allows accidental whitespace to be handled sensibly,such as a version like ``1.0\n`` which normalizes to ``1.0``.Examples of compliant version schemes-------------------------------------The standard version scheme is designed to encompass a wide range ofidentification practices across public and private Python projects. Inpractice, a single project attempting to use the full flexibility offeredby the scheme would create a situation where human users had difficultyfiguring out the relative order of versions, even though the rules aboveensure all compliant tools will order them consistently.The following examples illustrate a small selection of the differentapproaches projects may choose to identify their releases, while stillensuring that the "latest release" and the "latest stable release" canbe easily determined, both by human users and automated tools.Simple "major.minor" versioning:: "major.minor.micro" versioning::"major.minor" versioning with alpha, beta and candidatepre-releases::0.91.0a11.0a21.0b11.0c11.01.1a1..."major.minor" versioning with developmental releases, release candidatesand post-releases for minor corrections::0.91.0.dev11.0.dev21.0.dev31.0.dev41.0rc11.0rc21.01.0.post11.1.dev1...Date based releases, using an incrementing serial within each year, skippingzero::2012.12012.22012.3...2012.152013.12013.2...Summary of permitted suffixes and relative ordering---------------------------------------------------.. note::This section is intended primarily for authors of tools thatautomatically process distribution metadata, rather than developersof Python distributions deciding on a versioning scheme.The epoch segment of version identifiers MUST be sorted according to thenumeric value of the given epoch. If no epoch segment is present, theimplicit numeric value is ``0``.The release segment of version identifiers MUST be sorted inthe same order as Python's tuple sorting when the release segment isparsed as follows::tuple(map(int, release_segment.split(".")))All release segments involved in the comparison MUST be converted to aconsistent length by padding shorter segments with zeros as needed.Within a numeric release (``1.0``, ``2.7.3``), the following suffixesare permitted and MUST be ordered as shown::.devN, aN, bN, cN/rcN, <no suffix>, .postNNote that `rc` is considered to be semantically equivalent to `c` and must besorted as if it were `c`. Tools MAY reject the case of having the same ``N``for both a ``rc`` and a ``c`` in the same release segment as ambiguous andremain in compliance with the PEP.Within an alpha (``1.0a1``), beta (``1.0b1``), or release candidate(``1.0c1``, ``1.0rc1``), the following suffixes are permitted and MUST beordered as shown::.devN, <no suffix>, .postNWithin a post-release (``1.0.post1``), the following suffixes are permittedand MUST be ordered as shown::.devN, <no suffix>Note that ``devN`` and ``postN`` MUST always be preceded by a dot, evenwhen used immediately following a numeric version (e.g. ``1.0.dev456``,``1.0.post1``).Within a pre-release, post-release or development release segment with ashared prefix, ordering MUST be by the value of the numeric component.The following example covers many of the possible combinations::1.0.dev4561.0a11.0a2.dev4561.0a12.dev4561.0a121.0b1.dev4561.0b21.0b2.post345.dev4561.0b2.post3451.0c1.dev4561.0c11.01.0+abc.51.0+abc.71.0+51.0.post456.dev341.0.post4561.1.dev1Version ordering across different metadata versions---------------------------------------------------Metadata v1.0 (PEP 241) and metadata v1.1 (PEP 314) do not specify a standardversion identification or ordering scheme. However metadata v1.2 (PEP 345)does specify a scheme which is defined in PEP 386.Due to the nature of the simple installer API it is not possible for aninstaller to be aware of which metadata version a particular distribution wasusing. Additionally installers required the ability to create a reasonablyprioritized list that includes all, or as many as possible, versions ofa project to determine which versions it should install. These requirementsnecessitate a standardization across one parsing mechanism to be used for allversions of a project.Due to the above, this PEP MUST be used for all versions of metadata andsupersedes PEP 386 even for metadata v1.2. Tools SHOULD ignore any versionswhich cannot be parsed by the rules in this PEP, but MAY fall back toimplementation defined version parsing and ordering schemes if no versionscomplying with this PEP are available.Distribution users may wish to explicitly remove non-compliant versions fromany private package indexes they control.Compatibility with other version schemes----------------------------------------Some projects may choose to use a version scheme which requirestranslation in order to comply with the public version scheme defined inthis PEP. In such cases, the project specific version can be stored in themetadata while the translated public version is published in the version field.This allows automated distribution tools to provide consistently correctordering of published releases, while still allowing developers to usethe internal versioning scheme they prefer for their projects.Semantic versioning~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~`Semantic versioning`_ is a popular version identification scheme that ismore prescriptive than this PEP regarding the significance of differentelements of a release number. Even if a project chooses not to abide bythe details of semantic versioning, the scheme is worth understanding asit covers many of the issues that can arise when depending on otherdistributions, and when publishing a distribution that others rely on.The "Major.Minor.Patch" (described in this PEP as "major.minor.micro")aspects of semantic versioning (clauses 1-9 in the 2.0.0-rc-1 specification)are fully compatible with the version scheme defined in this PEP, and abidingby these aspects is encouraged.Semantic versions containing a hyphen (pre-releases - clause 10) or aplus sign (builds - clause 11) are *not* compatible with this PEPand are not permitted in the public version field.One possible mechanism to translate such semantic versioning based sourcelabels to compatible public versions is to use the ``.devN`` suffix tospecify the appropriate version order.Specific build information may also be included in local version labels... _Semantic versioning: http://semver.org/DVCS based version labels~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Many build tools integrate with distributed version control systems likeGit and Mercurial in order to add an identifying hash to the versionidentifier. As hashes cannot be ordered reliably such versions are notpermitted in the public version field.As with semantic versioning, the public ``.devN`` suffix may be used touniquely identify such releases for publication, while the original DVCS basedlabel can be stored in the project metadata.Identifying hash information may also be included in local version labels.Olson database versioning~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~The ``pytz`` project inherits its versioning scheme from the correspondingOlson timezone database versioning scheme: the year followed by a lowercasecharacter indicating the version of the database within that year.This can be translated to a compliant public version identifier as``<year>.<serial>``, where the serial starts at zero or one (for the'<year>a' release) and is incremented with each subsequent databaseupdate within the year.As with other translated version identifiers, the corresponding Olsondatabase version could be recorded in the project metadata.Version specifiers==================A version specifier consists of a series of version clauses, separated bycommas. For example::~= 0.9, >= 1.0, != 1.3.4.*, < 2.0The comparison operator determines the kind of version clause:* ``~=``: `Compatible release`_ clause* ``==``: `Version matching`_ clause* ``!=``: `Version exclusion`_ clause* ``<=``, ``>=``: `Inclusive ordered comparison`_ clause* ``<``, ``>``: `Exclusive ordered comparison`_ clause* ``===``: `Arbitrary equality`_ clause.The comma (",") is equivalent to a logical **and** operator: a candidateversion must match all given version clauses in order to match thespecifier as a whole.Whitespace between a conditional operator and the following versionidentifier is optional, as is the whitespace around the commas.When multiple candidate versions match a version specifier, the preferredversion SHOULD be the latest version as determined by the consistentordering defined by the standard `Version scheme`_. Whether or notpre-releases are considered as candidate versions SHOULD be handled asdescribed in `Handling of pre-releases`_.Except where specifically noted below, local version identifiers MUST NOT bepermitted in version specifiers, and local version labels MUST be ignoredentirely when checking if candidate versions match a given versionspecifier.Compatible release------------------A compatible release clause consists of either a version identifier withoutany comparison operator or else the compatible release operator ``~=``and a version identifier. It matches any candidate version that is expectedto be compatible with the specified version.The specified version identifier must be in the standard format described in`Version scheme`_. Local version identifiers are NOT permitted in thisversion specifier.
For a given release identifier ``V.N``, the compatible release clause isapproximately equivalent to the pair of comparison clauses::>= V.N, == V.*This operator MUST NOT be used with a single segment version number such as``~=1``.For example, the following groups of version clauses are equivalent::2.2~= 2.2>= 2.2, == 2.*1.4.5~= 1.4.5>= 1.4.5, == 1.4.*If a pre-release, post-release or developmental release is named in acompatible release clause as ``V.N.suffix``, then the suffix is ignoredwhen determining the required prefix match::2.2.post3~= 2.2.post3>= 2.2.post3, == 2.*1.4.5a4~= 1.4.5a4>= 1.4.5a4, == 1.4.*The padding rules for release segment comparisons means that the assumeddegree of forward compatibility in a compatible release clause can becontrolled by appending additional zeros to the version specifier::2.2.0~= 2.2.0>= 2.2.0, == 2.2.*>=, == 1.4.5.*Version matching----------------A version matching clause includes the version matching operator ``==``and a version identifier.The specified version identifier must be in the standard format described in`Version scheme`_, but a trailing ``.*`` is permitted on public versionidentifiers as described below.By default, the version matching operator is based on a strict equalitycomparison: the specified version must be exactly the same as the requestedversion. The *only* substitution performed is the zero padding of therelease segment to ensure the release segments are compared with the samelength.Whether or not strict version matching is appropriate depends on the specificuse case for the version specifier. Automated tools SHOULD at least issuewarnings and MAY reject them entirely when strict version matches are usedinappropriately.Prefix matching may be requested instead of strict comparison, by appendinga trailing ``.*`` to the version identifier in the version matching clause.This means that additional trailing segments will be ignored whendetermining whether or not a version identifier matches the clause. If thespecified version includes only a release segment, than trailing components(or the lack thereof) in the release segment are also ignored.For example, given the version ``1.1.post1``, the following clauses wouldmatch or not as shown::== 1.1 # Not equal, so 1.1.post1 does not match clause== 1.1.post1 # Equal, so 1.1.post1 matches clause== 1.1.* # Same prefix, so 1.1.post1 matches clauseFor purposes of prefix matching, the pre-release segment is considered tohave an implied preceding ``.``, so given the version ``1.1a1``, thefollowing clauses would match or not as shown::== 1.1 # Not equal, so 1.1a1 does not match clause== 1.1a1 # Equal, so 1.1a1 matches clause== 1.1.* # Same prefix, so 1.1a1 matches clause
An exact match is also considered a prefix match (this interpreation isimplied by the usual zero padding rules for the release segment of versionidentifiers). Given the version ``1.1``, the following clauses wouldmatch or not as shown::== 1.1 # Equal, so 1.1 matches clause== 1.1.0 # Zero padding expands 1.1 to 1.1.0, so it matches clause== 1.1.dev1 # Not equal (dev-release), so 1.1 does not match clause== 1.1a1 # Not equal (pre-release), so 1.1 does not match clause== 1.1.post1 # Not equal (post-release), so 1.1 does not match clause== 1.1.* # Same prefix, so 1.1 matches clauseIt is invalid to have a prefix match containing a development or local releasesuch as ``1.0.dev1.*`` or ``1.0+foo1.*``. If present, the development releasesegment is always the final segment in the public version, and the local versionis ignored for comparison purposes, so using either in a prefix match wouldn'tmake any sense.The use of ``==`` (without at least the wildcard suffix) when definingdependencies for published distributions is strongly discouraged as itgreatly complicates the deployment of security fixes. The strict versioncomparison operator is intended primarily for use when definingdependencies for repeatable *deployments of applications* while usinga shared distribution index.If the specified version identifier is a public version identifier (nolocal version label), then the local version label of any candidate versionsMUST be ignored when matching versions.If the specified version identifier is a local version identifier, then thelocal version labels of candidate versions MUST be considered when matchingversions, with the public version identifier being matched as describedabove, and the local version label being checked for equivalence using astrict string equality comparison.Version exclusion-----------------A version exclusion clause includes the version exclusion operator ``!=``and a version identifier.The allowed version identifiers and comparison semantics are the same asthose of the `Version matching`_ operator, except that the sense of anymatch is inverted.For example, given the version ``1.1.post1``, the following clauses wouldmatch or not as shown::!= 1.1 # Not equal, so 1.1.post1 matches clause!= 1.1.post1 # Equal, so 1.1.post1 does not match clause!= 1.1.* # Same prefix, so 1.1.post1 does not match clauseInclusive ordered comparison----------------------------An inclusive ordered comparison clause includes a comparison operator and aversion identifier, and will match any version where the comparison is correctbased on the relative position of the candidate version and the specifiedversion given the consistent ordering defined by the standard`Version scheme`_.The inclusive ordered comparison operators are ``<=`` and ``>=``.As with version matching, the release segment is zero padded as necessary toensure the release segments are compared with the same length.Local version identifiers are NOT permitted in this version specifier.Exclusive ordered comparison----------------------------Exclusive ordered comparisons are similar to inclusive ordered comparisons,except that the comparison operators are ``<`` and ``>`` and the clauseMUST be effectively interpreted as implying the prefix based versionexclusion clause ``!= V.*``.The exclusive ordered comparison ``> V`` MUST NOT match a post-releaseor maintenance release of the given version. Maintenance releases can bepermitted by using the clause ``> V.0``, while both post releases andmaintenance releases can be permitted by using the inclusive orderedcomparison ``>= V.post1``.The exclusive ordered comparison ``< V`` MUST NOT match a pre-release ofthe given version, even if acceptance of pre-releases is enabled asdescribed in the section below.Local version identifiers are NOT permitted in this version specifier.Arbitrary equality------------------Arbitrary equality comparisons are simple string equality operations which donot take into account any of the semantic information such as zero padding orlocal versions. This operator also does not support prefix matching as the``==`` operator does.The primary use case for arbitrary equality is to allow for specifying aversion which cannot otherwise be represented by this PEP. This operator isspecial and acts as an escape hatch to allow someone using a tool whichimplements this PEP to still install a legacy version which is otherwiseincompatible with this PEP.An example would be ``===foobar`` which would match a version of ``foobar``.This operator may also be used to explicitly require an unpatched versionof a project such as ``===1.0`` which would not match for a version``1.0+downstream1``.Use of this operator is heavily discouraged and tooling MAY display a warningwhen it is used.Handling of pre-releases------------------------
Pre-releases of any kind, including developmental releases, are implicitlyexcluded from all version specifiers, *unless* they are already presenton the system, explicitly requested by the user, or if the only availableversion that satisfies the version specifier is a pre-release.By default, dependency resolution tools SHOULD:* accept already installed pre-releases for all version specifiers* accept remotely available pre-releases for version specifiers wherethere is no final or post release that satisfies the version specifier* exclude all other pre-releases from considerationDependency resolution tools MAY issue a warning if a pre-release is neededto satisfy a version specifier.Dependency resolution tools SHOULD also allow users to request thefollowing alternative behaviours:* accepting pre-releases for all version specifiers* excluding pre-releases for all version specifiers (reporting an error orwarning if a pre-release is already installed locally, or if apre-release is the only way to satisfy a particular specifier)Dependency resolution tools MAY also allow the above behaviour to becontrolled on a per-distribution basis.Post-releases and final releases receive no special treatment in versionspecifiers - they are always included unless explicitly excluded.Examples--------* ``3.1``: version 3.1 or later, but not version 4.0 or later.* ``3.1.2``: version 3.1.2 or later, but not version 3.2.0 or later.* ``3.1a1``: version 3.1a1 or later, but not version 4.0 or later.* ``== 3.1``: specifically version 3.1 (or 3.1.0), excludes all pre-releases,post releases, developmental releases and any 3.1.x maintenance releases.* ``== 3.1.*``: any version that starts with 3.1. Equivalent to the``3.1.0`` compatible release clause.* ``3.1.0, != 3.1.3``: version 3.1.0 or later, but not version 3.1.3 andnot version 3.2.0 or later.Direct references=================Some automated tools may permit the use of a direct reference as analternative to a normal version specifier. A direct reference consists ofthe specifier ``@`` and an explicit URL.Whether or not direct references are appropriate depends on the specificuse case for the version specifier. Automated tools SHOULD at least issuewarnings and MAY reject them entirely when direct references are usedinappropriately.Public index servers SHOULD NOT allow the use of direct references inuploaded distributions. Direct references are intended as a tool forsoftware integrators rather than publishers.Depending on the use case, some appropriate targets for a direct URLreference may be a valid ``source_url`` entry (see PEP 426), an sdist, ora wheel binary archive. The exact URLs and targets supported will be tooldependent.For example, a local source archive may be referenced directly::Alternatively, a prebuilt archive may also be referenced::All direct references that do not refer to a local file URL SHOULD specifya secure transport mechanism (such as ``https``) AND include an expectedhash value in the URL for verification purposes. If a direct reference isspecified without any hash information, with hash information that thetool doesn't understand, or with a selected hash algorithm that the toolconsiders too weak to trust, automated tools SHOULD at least emit a warningand MAY refuse to rely on the URL. If such a direct reference also uses aninsecure transport, automated tools SHOULD NOT rely on the URL.It is RECOMMENDED that only hashes which are unconditionally provided bythe latest version of the standard library's ``hashlib`` module be usedfor source archive hashes. At time of writing, that list consists of``'md5'``, ``'sha1'``, ``'sha224'``, ``'sha256'``, ``'sha384'``, and``'sha512'``.For source archive and wheel references, an expected hash value may bespecified by including a ``<hash-algorithm>=<expected-hash>`` entry aspart of the URL fragment.For version control references, the ``VCS+protocol`` scheme SHOULD beused to identify both the version control system and the secure transport,and a version control system with hash based commit identifiers SHOULD beused. Automated tools MAY omit warnings about missing hashes for versioncontrol systems that do not provide hash based commit identifiers.To handle version control systems that do not support including commit ortag references directly in the URL, that information may be appended to theend of the URL using the ``@<commit-hash>`` or the ``@<tag>#<commit-hash>``notation... note::This isn't *quite* the same as the existing VCS reference notationsupported by pip. Firstly, the distribution name is moved in front ratherthan embedded as part of the URL. Secondly, the commit hash is includedeven when retrieving based on a tag, in order to meet the requirementabove that *every* link should include a hash to make things harder toforge (creating a malicious repo with a particular tag is easy, creatingone with a specific *hash*, less so).Remote URL examples::
Updating the versioning specification=====================================The versioning specification may be updated with clarifications withoutrequiring a new PEP or a change to the metadata version.Actually changing the version comparison semantics still requires a newversioning scheme and metadata version defined in new PEPs.Summary of differences from \PEP 386====================================* Moved the description of version specifiers into the versioning PEP* Added the "direct reference" concept as a standard notation for directreferences to resources (rather than each tool needing to invent its own)* Added the "local version identifier" and "local version label" concepts toallow system integrators to indicate patched builds in a way that issupported by the upstream tools, as well as to allow the incorporation ofbuild tags into the versioning of binary distributions.* Added the "compatible release" clause* Added the trailing wildcard syntax for prefix based version matchingand exclusion* Changed the top level sort position of the ``.devN`` suffix* Allowed single value version numbers* Explicit exclusion of leading or trailing whitespace* Explicit support for date based versions
* Explicit normalisation rules to improve compatibility withexisting version metadata on PyPI where it doesn't introduceambiguity* Implicitly exclude pre-releases unless they're already present orneeded to satisfy a dependency* Treat post releases the same way as unqualified releases* Discuss ordering and dependencies across metadata versions
The rationale for major changes is given in the following sections.Changing the version scheme---------------------------One key change in the version scheme in this PEP relative to that inPEP 386 is to sort top level developmental releases like ``X.Y.devN`` aheadof alpha releases like ``X.Ya1``. This is a far more logical sort order, asprojects already using both development releases and alphas/betas/releasecandidates do not want their developmental releases sorted inbetween their release candidates and their final releases. There is norationale for using ``dev`` releases in that position rather thanmerely creating additional release candidates.The updated sort order also means the sorting of ``dev`` versions is nowconsistent between the metadata standard and the pre-existing behaviourof ``pkg_resources`` (and hence the behaviour of current installationtools).Making this change should make it easier for affected existing projects tomigrate to the latest version of the metadata standard.Another change to the version scheme is to allow single numberversions, similar to those used by non-Python projects like MozillaFirefox, Google Chrome and the Fedora Linux distribution. This is actuallyexpected to be more useful for version specifiers, but it is easier toallow it for both version specifiers and release numbers, rather thansplitting the two definitions.The exclusion of leading and trailing whitespace was made explicit aftera couple of projects with version identifiers differing only in atrailing ``\n`` character were found on PyPI.Various other normalisation rules were also added as described in theseparate section on version normalisation below.`Appendix A` shows detailed results of an analysis of PyPI distributionversion information, as collected on 8th August, 2014. This analysiscompares the behavior of the explicitly ordered version scheme defined inthis PEP with the de facto standard defined by the behavior of setuptools.These metrics are useful, as the intent of this PEP is to follow existingsetuptools behavior as closely as is feasible, while still throwingexceptions for unorderable versions (rather than trying to guess anappropriate order as setuptools does).A more opinionated description of the versioning scheme-------------------------------------------------------As in PEP 386, the primary focus is on codifying existing practices to makethem more amenable to automation, rather than demanding that existingprojects make non-trivial changes to their workflow. However, thestandard scheme allows significantly more flexibility than is neededfor the vast majority of simple Python packages (which often don't evenneed maintenance releases - many users are happy with needing to upgrade to anew feature release to get bug fixes).For the benefit of novice developers, and for experienced developerswishing to better understand the various use cases, the specificationnow goes into much greater detail on the components of the definedversion scheme, including examples of how each component may be usedin practice.The PEP also explicitly guides developers in the direction ofsemantic versioning (without requiring it), and discourages the use ofseveral aspects of the full versioning scheme that have largely beenincluded in order to cover esoteric corner cases in the practices ofexisting projects and in repackaging software for Linux distributions.Describing version specifiers alongside the versioning scheme-------------------------------------------------------------The main reason to even have a standardised version scheme in the first placeis to make it easier to do reliable automated dependency analysis. It makesmore sense to describe the primary use case for version identifiers alongsidetheir definition.Changing the interpretation of version specifiers-------------------------------------------------The previous interpretation of version specifiers made it very easy toaccidentally download a pre-release version of a dependency. This inturn made it difficult for developers to publish pre-release versionsof software to the Python Package Index, as even marking the package ashidden wasn't enough to keep automated tools from downloading it, and alsomade it harder for users to obtain the test release manually through themain PyPI web interface.The previous interpretation also excluded post-releases from some versionspecifiers for no adequately justified reason.The updated interpretation is intended to make it difficult to accidentallyaccept a pre-release version as satisfying a dependency, while stillallowing pre-release versions to be retrieved automatically when that's theonly way to satisfy a dependency.
The "some forward compatibility assumed" version constraint is derived from theRuby community's "pessimistic version constraint" operator [2]_ to allowprojects to take a cautious approach to forward compatibility promises, whilestill easily setting a minimum required version for their dependencies. Thespelling of the compatible release clause (``~=``) is inspired by the Ruby(``~>``) and PHP (``~``) equivalents.Further improvements are also planned to the handling of parallelinstallation of multiple versions of the same library, but these willdepend on updates to the installation database definition along withimproved tools for dynamic path manipulation.The trailing wildcard syntax to request prefix based version matching wasadded to make it possible to sensibly define both compatible release clausesand the desired pre- and post-release handling semantics for ``<`` and ``>``ordered comparison clauses.Support for date based version identifiers------------------------------------------Excluding date based versions caused significant problems in migrating``pytz`` to the new metadata standards. It also caused concerns for theOpenStack developers, as they use a date based versioning scheme and wouldlike to be able to migrate to the new metadata standards without changingit.Adding version epochs---------------------Version epochs are added for the same reason they are part of otherversioning schemes, such as those of the Fedora and Debian Linuxdistributions: to allow projects to gracefully change their approach tonumbering releases, without having a new release appear to have a lowerversion number than previous releases and without having to change the nameof the project.In particular, supporting version epochs allows a project that was previouslyusing date based versioning to switch to semantic versioning by specifyinga new version epoch.The ``!`` character was chosen to delimit an epoch version rather than the``:`` character, which is commonly used in other systems, due to the fact that``:`` is not a valid character in a Windows directory name.Adding direct references------------------------Direct references are added as an "escape clause" to handle messy realworld situations that don't map neatly to the standard distribution model.This includes dependencies on unpublished software for internal use, as wellas handling the more complex compatibility issues that may arise whenwrapping third party libraries as C extensions (this is of especial concernto the scientific community).Index servers are deliberately given a lot of freedom to disallow directreferences, since they're intended primarily as a tool for integratorsrather than publishers. PyPI in particular is currently going through theprocess of *eliminating* dependencies on external references, as unreliableexternal services have the effect of slowing down installation operations,as well as reducing PyPI's own apparent reliability.Adding arbitrary equality-------------------------Arbitrary equality is added as an "escape clause" to handle the case wheresomeone needs to install a project which uses a non compliant version. Althoughthis PEP is able to attain ~97% compatibility with the versions that arealready on PyPI there are still ~3% of versions which cannot be parsed. Thisoperator gives a simple and effective way to still depend on them withouthaving to "guess" at the semantics of what they mean (which would be requiredif anything other than strict string based equality was supported).Adding local version identifiers--------------------------------It's a fact of life that downstream integrators often need to backportupstream bug fixes to older versions. It's one of the services that getsLinux distro vendors paid, and application developers may also apply patchesthey need to bundled dependencies.Historically, this practice has been invisible to cross-platform languagespecific distribution tools - the reported "version" in the upstreammetadata is the same as for the unmodified code. This inaccuracy can thencause problems when attempting to work with a mixture of integratorprovided code and unmodified upstream code, or even just attempting toidentify exactly which version of the software is installed.The introduction of local version identifiers and "local version labels"into the versioning scheme, with the corresponding ``python.integrator``metadata extension allows this kind of activity to be representedaccurately, which should improve interoperability between the upstreamtools and various integrated platforms.The exact scheme chosen is largely modeled on the existing behavior of``pkg_resources.parse_version`` and ``pkg_resources.parse_requirements``,with the main distinction being that where ``pkg_resources`` currently alwaystakes the suffix into account when comparing versions for exact matches,the PEP requires that the local version label of the candidate version beignored when no local version label is present in the version specifierclause. Furthermore, the PEP does not attempt to impose any structure onthe local version labels (aside from limiting the set of permittedcharacters and defining their ordering).This change is designed to ensure that an integrator provided version like``pip 1.5+1`` or ``pip 1.5+1.git.abc123de`` will still satisfy a versionspecifier like ``pip>=1.5``.The plus is chosen primarily for readability of local version identifiers.It was chosen instead of the hyphen to prevent``pkg_resources.parse_version`` from parsing it as a prerelease, which isimportant for enabling a successful migration to the new, more structured,versioning scheme. The plus was chosen instead of a tilde because of thesignificance of the tilde in Debian's version ordering algorithm.Providing explicit version normalization rules----------------------------------------------Historically, the de facto standard for parsing versions in Python has been the``pkg_resources.parse_version`` command from the setuptools project. This doesnot attempt to reject *any* version and instead tries to make somethingmeaningful, with varying levels of success, out of whatever it is given. It hasa few simple rules but otherwise it more or less relies largely on stringcomparison.The normalization rules provided in this PEP exist primarily to either increasethe compatability with ``pkg_resources.parse_version``, particularly indocumented use cases such as ``rev``, ``r``, ``pre``, etc or to do somethingmore reasonable with versions that already exist on PyPI.All possible normalization rules were weighed against whether or not they were*likely* to cause any ambiguity (e.g. while someone might devise a scheme where``v1.0`` and ``1.0`` are considered distinct releases, the likelihood of anyoneactually doing that, much less on any scale that is noticeable, is fairly low).They were also weighed against how ``pkg_resources.parse_version`` treated aparticular version string, especially with regards to how it was sorted. Finallyeach rule was weighed against the kinds of additional versions it allowed, how"ugly" those versions looked, how hard there were to parse (both mentally andmechanically) and how much additional compatibility it would bring.The breadth of possible normalizations were kept to things that could easilybe implemented as part of the parsing of the version and not pre-parsingtransformations applied to the versions. This was done to limit the sideeffects of each transformation as simple search and replace style transformsincrease the likelihood of ambiguous or "junk" versions.For an extended discussion on the various types of normalizations that wereconsidered, please see the proof of concept for PEP 440 within pip [4]_.References==========The initial attempt at a standardised version scheme, along with thejustifications for needing such a standard can be found in PEP 386... [1] Reference Implementation of PEP 440 Versions and Specifiers.. [2] Version compatibility analysis script:.. [3] Pessimistic version constraint.. [4] Proof of Concept: PEP 440 within pipAppendix A==========Metadata v2.0 guidelines versus setuptools::$ invoke check.pep440Total Version Compatibility: 245806/250521 (98.12%)Total Sorting Compatibility (Unfiltered): 45441/47114 (96.45%)Total Sorting Compatibility (Filtered): 47057/47114 (99.88%)Projects with No Compatible Versions: 498/47114 (1.06%)Projects with Differing Latest Version: 688/47114 (1.46%)---Donald StufftPGP: 7C6B 7C5D 5E2B 6356 A926 F04F 6E3C BCE9 3372 DCFA
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