On Sat, 03 Oct 2009 14:17:50 -0700, Ned Deily <nad@acm.org> wrote:
On what other platforms is this likely to be a problem? Windows *? Linuxes? If that can be identified, if necessary the distributors of Python installers can be informed so they can inform their users (note, that python.org is itself a distributor of Python installers). I don't have the expertise to make an assessment of that.
From what I've seen, it affects all platforms.
Is it possible to get a better idea of what packages might be affected, i.e. what is it that these apps are using in their setup.py, or elsewhere, that causes the problem to appear?
I believe whenever the build_ext command is used, this problem would occur. One trivial package that fails is zope.interface. -srid