"Phillip J. Eby" <pje@telecommunity.com> writes:
At 09:38 PM 9/23/2005 +0200, Thomas Heller wrote:
- When I run 'easy_install ctypes', the behaviour depends on the current directory. If I run this when the current dir contains a 'ctypes' subdirectory, it doesn't search pypi^H^H^H^HCheeseShop for this name, instead it seems to attempt to install from source in that directory. Is that intended?
Yes. EasyInstall's arguments may be a URL, an existing local filename, or a "requirement" string, and the precedence is in that order. (i.e., it's checked to see if it's a URL, then if it's a filename, and finally parsing as a requirement string is done.)
Can I override this behaviour?
Add a version specifier, e.g. "ctypes==4.0", or use an absolute URL.
Hm. A big advantage is that I don't have to remember the URL.
- When I install a package which requires another package is there a way to specify a download url for the required package?
The --find-links option can include download links as well as URLs of pages containing download links. If you pass a URL that ends with a recognizable distutils filename, EasyInstall will use it if it matches the version requirement(s).
A question: are you embedding EasyInstall in something else, or are these questions about direct use?
No, direct use. The use case is a little bit weird, because I was trying to install comtypes (via the pypi link), and comtypes requires an 'inofficial' ctypes version which is available on the comtypes SF files area. Thomas