Hi all. "Python devirtualizer" is a preliminary implementation which manages shared packages so that only one copy of each package version is required. It installs into a virtualenv, then migrates the contents out into the normal OS environment, and while so doing, replaces what would be duplicate files with soft links to a single copy. It is downloadable from here: https://sourceforge.net/projects/python-devirtualizer/ It is linux (or other POSIX like system, __maybe__ Mac) specific. No way it will run on Windows at this point because the main script is bash and the paths assume POSIX path syntax. (Might work in Mingw64 though.) Anyway, pdvctrl install packageA pdvctrl migrate packageA /wherever/packageA pdvctrl install packageB pdvctrl migrate packageB /wherever/packageB will result in a single copy of the shared dependencies on this system, with both packageA and packageB hooked to them with soft links. The import does not go awry because from within each package's site-packages directory there are only links to the files it needs, so it never sees any conflicting package versions. There is also: pdvctrl preinstall packageC pdvctrl install packageC pdvctrl migrate packageC /wherever/packageC which first uses johnnydep to look up dependencies already on the system and links those in directly before going on to install any pieces not so installed. Unfortunately the johnnydep runs with "preinstall" have so far been significantly slower than just doing a normal install and letting the migrate throw out the extra copy. On the other hand, the one package I have encountered which has conflicting requirements (scanpy-scripts) fails in a more comprehensible manner with "preinstall" than with "install". Migrate "wraps" the files in the package's "bin" directory, if any, so that they may be invoked solely by PATH like a regular program. This uses libSDL2 to get the absolute path of the wrapper program, and it defines PYTHONPATH before execve() to the actual target. So no messing about with PYTHONPATH in the user's shell or in scripts. So far I have not run into a problem with the wrappers, which essentially just inject a PYTHONPATH into the environment when the program is run. Well, one package (busco) had a file with no terminal EOL, which resulted in its last line being dropped while it was being wrapped, but that case is now handled. I do expect though at some point to encounter a package which has several files in its bin, and first_program will contain some variant of: python3 /wherever/bin/second_program The wrapper will break those, since the wrapper is a regular binary and not a python script. Regards, David Mathog On Mon, Jun 29, 2020 at 1:43 PM John Thorvald Wodder II <jwodder@gmail.com> wrote:
On 2020 Jun 29, at 16:09, David Mathog <dmathog@gmail.com> wrote:
In neither case does the egg-info file reference the corresponding directory, but at least the directory in both has the expected package name (other than case). In the examples you cited at the top, were any of those "different name" cases from packages with a "file" egg-info?
The projects I examined were all in wheel form and thus had *.dist-info directories instead of *.egg-info. I know very little about how eggs work, other than that they're deprecated and should be avoided in favor of wheels.
-- John Wodder -- Distutils-SIG mailing list -- distutils-sig@python.org To unsubscribe send an email to distutils-sig-leave@python.org https://mail.python.org/mailman3/lists/distutils-sig.python.org/ Message archived at https://mail.python.org/archives/list/distutils-sig@python.org/message/DMRPH...