Thanks Maurits (and Benji) -

That explains a lot.  We are running on windows, and our versions.cfg was generated by buildout.dumppickedversions - it looks like everything in that file is all lower case.  Your suggestions will be very useful.

  -- Jeff

On Wed, Jan 12, 2011 at 6:38 PM, Maurits van Rees <> wrote:
Op 12-01-11 23:33, Jeff Kunce schreef:

Hi -

I'm having trouble pinning versions in my buildout.  It looks like
"requires.txt" for the recipe eggs are overriding what I specify in

Here's the scenario:

  1)  I am pinning my buildout with a versions.cfg file that specifies
    zope2 = 2.13.0
  2) One of my parts is based on
    recipe = plone.recipe.zope2instance
  3) The plone.recipe.zope2instance egg has a requires.txt file containing
    Zope2 >= 2.12.1

Here's what happens:

When I run buildout, it looks the recipe eggs are downloaded first,
along with eggs specified in the requires.txt for each egg.  So,
buildout gets Zope2 2.13.1 (>=2.12.1) for plone.recipe.zope2instance
without looking at what I specified for versions.

How can I make sure I only get Zope 2.13.0 ?  An excerpt of my
buildout.cfg is below.  Thanks.

Looks like you have a typo in the version pin: it should be Zope2 with a capital 'Z'.

This small buildout.cfg correctly picks Zope2 2.13.0 when I try it:

parts = instance
versions = versions

Zope2 = 2.13.0

recipe = plone.recipe.zope2instance

Note that to avoid such problems with uppercase versus lowercase, you could use a buildout extension that on the fly turns all version pins to lowercase when checking if a package has a pin:

extensions = buildout-versions

It also dumps which versions are picked by buildout instead of being pinned by you in buildout.cfg.

Maurits van Rees
Programmer at Zest Software
Personal website

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