At 12:02 PM 7/7/2005 -0400, Ryan Tomayko wrote:
I'm happy to announce that an initial 0.1.0 version of Python Buildutils is available.
By the way, I notice your extension doc suggests subclassing distutils.cmd.Command rather than setuptools.Command, and your doesn't use setuptools.setup(). You might want to revise those, because using setuptools.setup() provides important additional features that distutils.core.setup() cannot: * running " install" installs the package as an egg+.pth, for easy uninstalls and upgrades * running " sdist" with no file will automatically include all files under revision control (CVS or svn) in the project tree, not just those found by the distutils default search algorithm that searches only for source files, not docs, headers, or data. * running " install" when setuptools is not installed will bootstrap an actual installation of setuptools, whereas your current arrangement will not actually install it, just put it on sys.path during the execution of Also, 'depends.txt' is now unneeded; if you use 'from setuptools import setup' then you can pass 'install_requires' and 'extras_require' keywords to setup() and get the same effect. (If you do this, you should remove the depends.txt file from your .egg-info directory, so as not to list them twice; the keyword arguments get written to a different file.)