I added a subcommand to Paste "paster install X", which is basically just easy_install with some hooks into Paste's configuration. But anyway, now I'm wondering how to get the whole thing going. You can't run easy_install without setuptools installed. I'm inclined to install easy_install with easy_install, but obviously that won't work ;) Of course, I can download the egg and put that into the path; that's what Paste's setup.py does currently (which also gives me package_data on older Pythons as well). But where should I put the egg? For setup.py it doesn't matter that much, but it matters more when I want to keep it around for future commands. Should I download it, put it on the path, then use it to install itself? I dunno, I'm just feeling a little mixed up. I'm also thinking I could start installing things globally now that there's essentially versioned imports... except that I probably have to hardcode the versions when deploying, so I don't accidentally upgrade apps without meaning to. Or I can stick with app-packages to be extra safe. -- Ian Bicking / ianb@colorstudy.com / http://blog.ianbicking.org