On Wed, 29 Aug 2018 at 15:54 Nathaniel Smith <njs@pobox.com> wrote:
On Wed, Aug 29, 2018 at 10:25 AM, Brett Cannon <brett@python.org> wrote:
> On Wed, 29 Aug 2018 at 01:56 Nathaniel Smith <njs@pobox.com> wrote:
>> On Tue, Aug 28, 2018 at 11:46 AM, Brett Cannon <brett@python.org> wrote:
>> > py36
>> >
>> > py36-none-% but not py36-none-any: 2 (example)
>> >
>> > py3
>> >
>> > py3-none-% but not py3-none-any: 142 (example)
>> Oh right, and these ones are totally sensible: this is the correct tag
>> for a project that ships some vendored shared libraries, and accesses
>> them using cffi's ABI mode, or through ctypes: it cares about the
>> CPU/OS ABI, but doesn't use the Python C ABI.

What you say below would also suggest that Python 3.7 should support down to py30-none-% as well.
> Yep. I was just surprised that py37-none-% wasn't being emitted as
> acceptable since that technically makes sense.

Setuptools never creates such wheels, so I guess it's not well tested.
The main reason they exist at all is that Armin Ronacher jumped
through a bunch of hoops to make it happen in his milksnake [1]
project, and it's not even a year old.

[1] https://github.com/getsentry/milksnake

> I think figuring out what makes sense in terms of compatibility will be the
> toughest bit. E.g. for Python 3.7, pip will check for py37-none-any down to
> py30-none-any as well as py3-none-any. With python_requires in metadata well
> as the py3 interpreter tag, I'm not sure if it still makes sense to
> enumerate all the way down to py30, especially when Python doesn't follow
> strict semver. Maybe for Python 3.7 py37, py3, and py36 makes the most sense
> by assuming code is warning-free in Python 3.6 and so should be relatively
> safe to use in 3.7 with warnings? Otherwise I wouldn't expect e.g. 3.5 code
> to work in 3.7 since there's new keywords that old code might break on.

This is a tricky decision. Any time a new Python comes out, some
existing wheels will continue to work fine, and some will be broken.
One goal is to avoid installing broken wheels. But, there's also
another consideration: if we're too conservative, then with every
release we create a bunch of make-work as projects have to re-roll old
wheels that would have worked fine, and some percentage of projects
won't do this (e.g. b/c they're abandoned), and we lose them forever.
Also, for the py3x tags in particular, if the wheel fails on py3(x+1),
then the sdist probably will too, so it's not like we have any useful

Right, but isn't that what the py3-none-any tag is meant to represent? If someone doesn't use that tag then I would take that as there is some version-specific stuff in that wheel.

So, it's arguably better to be optimistic and assume that all py3x
wheels will work on py3(x+k), even if it's sometimes wrong, because
when we're wrong the failure modes are more acceptable.

Quite possibly, but at this point I don't want to take anything for certain. :) I mean in the end it's just a string coming from a generator so it's cheap to include, but I just want to make sure we appropriately justify its inclusion when it's inferred versus specified.