I jut found this related pip issue: https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/4445

(I myself as @anthrotype commented on that thread back in April last year but then completely forgot...)

After re-reading it now, it's still not clear to me what the resolution on that issue was.

On Sun, Jan 7, 2018 at 10:12 AM Cosimo Lupo <cosimo@anthrotype.com> wrote:

CFFI has recently added support for Py_LIMITED_API extension modules built for CPython 3.
The wheel module since version 0.30.0 also supports passing —py-limited-api cp3X to bdist_wheel command to allow the generated .whl to be installed on all CPython versions equal or greater than the one specified.

Yesterday I was trying to apply this on a cffi-built extension module, and it worked for Linux and macOS but failed for Windows:


The AssertionError from wheel.pep425tags complains that a tag with abi3 would be unsupported for the target platform.

Alex Gronholm commented

> imp.get_suffixes() does not seem to contain any ABI3 suffixes, but I'm not sure if this is even applicable on Windows.

Incidentally, I noticed one specific package, PyQt5, that distributes both abi3-tagged wheels for Mac and manylinux and Windows wheels for a range of cp35.cp36.cp37 but with abi tag set as “none”, and they do seem to work.

So, can one make such py_limited_api wheels work on Windows with the current state of the tooling, and if so how?

Thank you in advance

Cosimo Lupo

Cosimo Lupo