On Tue, 2004-05-04 at 17:04, David Handy wrote:
On Tue, 4 May 2004, Flavio Codeco Coelho wrote:

Maybe it should say

    scripts = ["PyMB.py"],

instead of:

    scripts = ["PyMB"],

unless you really have a file called PyMB with no filename extension.

Thanks  I got confused since the modules list do not require the extension...it works now...

Another question: Is there a way to specify a path for the data files to be copied to, during installation? I noticed that they were copied to the /usr/ directory by default.

I would like to have all the files (scripts, modules and data files) installed to the same parent folder under /usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/. How can I do this? should add the full absolute path as the directory for each datafile? What about for the scripts or modules? Is there a way to specify a installation directory?

> Hi,
> I am trying to get my first setup.py to work and I have written the
> following setup.py. It's for a pure python application.
> # -*- coding:iso8859-1 -*-
> from distutils.core import setup
> setup(name = 'ModelBuilder',
>       version = '0.2.2',
>       description = 'ODE model builder and simulator',
>       author = 'Flávio Codeço Coelho',
>       author_email = 'fccoelho@fiocruz.br',
>       url = 'http://www.procc.fiocruz.br/~cursos/course/view.php?id=6',
>       download_url = 'http://savannah.nongnu.org/projects.modelbuilder',
>       scripts = ["PyMB"],
>       py_modules = ["PyMB","wxFrame1","wxFrame2","about","uncertaintyMiniFrame", 'PlotFigure'],
>       data_files = [('bitmaps',['backup_section.png','mathematics_section.png','graphics_section.png',
>       'spreadsheet_section.png','timemanagement_section.png']),('models',['3eqs.ode','HH.ode', 'pk.ode','pk_unc.spec']),
>        ('doc',['README','COPYING']),('html',['ModelBuilder_About.html'])],
>       classifiers = [
>           'Development Status :: 4 - Beta',
>           'Environment :: X11 Applications',
>           'Intended Audience :: End Users/Desktop',
>           'License :: GPL2',
>           'Operating System :: Unix',
>           'Programming Language :: Python',
>           'Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics',
>           ],
>      )
> I also wrote a MANIFEST.in to make sure all the files got included in
> the source distribution, and it works fine to create a  source tarball.
> The problem is that when I try to run 
> python setup.py install
> it gives the following error message.
> error: file 'PyMB' does not exist
> What am I missing?
> Flávio Codeço Coelho,
> PhD
> Programa de Computação
> Científica
> Fundação Oswaldo Cruz
> Rio de Janeiro -- Brasil
> ________________________________________________________________________
Flávio Codeço Coelho, PhD
Programa de Computação Científica
Fundação Oswaldo Cruz
Rio de Janeiro -- Brasil