On Mon, Mar 18, 2013 at 12:34 PM, Steve Dower <Steve.Dower@microsoft.com> wrote:
I just joined up after the various discussions at PyCon and wanted to say hi. (If you were also there and want to put a face/voice to the name, I did the Visual Studio demo at one of the lightning talks.)
That was a very cool demo.
The main reason I want to get involved is the openly acknowledged lack of Windows expertise that’s available. I work at Microsoft and part of my job description is to contribute code/testing/time/documentation/help/etc. to CPython. (I can also do testing/time/help for other projects, but copyrightable artifacts are more complicated and, for now, not okay with our lawyers.)
I expect I’ll mainly be lurking until I can be useful, which is why I wanted to start with this post. I’m pretty good with Windows, and I have direct access to all the experts and internal mailing lists. So just shout out when something comes up and I’ll be happy to clarify or research an answer.
At the packaging panel, an issue was raised regarding issues with 32-bit and 64-bit windows packages. I don't remember the details. Were you there? If not, maybe someone can describe the issue here. Also an idea, fwiw: it would be awesome if MS provided something like travis-ci that executed tests on windows for open-source projects hosted in github (and other places like bitbucket, which I prefer). Maybe projects would start sporting "Windows: passing" buttons. :) Jim -- Jim Fulton http://www.linkedin.com/in/jimfulton