Re: [Distutils] questions on setuptools

At 01:01 PM 4/23/2008 -0600, Michael Hearne wrote:
Phillip - Thanks for the quick response. One feature suggestion for the future:
From my perhaps naive perspective, it seems like it would be easy to add non-PyPI dependencies that the installer could complain about. For example, if the setup() function accepted a keyword list that contained just the name of the package (whatever you use to import it), and then have the installer do something like this:
deps = ['foo','bar'] (this is the keyword list passed to the setup function) notfound = [] for dep in deps: try: __import__(dep) except: notfound.append(dep) if notfound: print 'The following required packages are not installed. Exiting.' % (str(notfound)) sys.exit(1)
I don't think this is a significant enough improvement over the package aborting at runtime, to add the complexity. Plus, it removes the incentive for the depender to lobby the dependee to make their package easy_install-able. :) (And, it's actually more complex if you're trying to do version detection as well as presence detection. There's some old code in setuptools.depends that tries to do this sort of thing, but I abandoned that approach many years ago.)
participants (1)
Phillip J. Eby