Hi, is there any initiative to share a common package format between conda and pip? They look very similar. Thanks

-----Original Message----- From: Antonio Cavallo <antonio.cavallo.71@gmail.com> Sent: Saturday, January 26, 2019 6:01 PM To: distutils-sig@python.org Subject: [Distutils] unifying package formats
Hi, is there any initiative to share a common package format between conda and pip? They look very similar.
They look similar, but they have very different scopes. Pip is for the python environment only. Conda acts more like a python focused, system-isolated APT. Unifying packaging for the general python ecosystem (wheels hosted on pypi installed with pip) with conda (full stack dependency management, including large quantities of foreign code) is likely to be impossible, and even if possible, impractical.

Hi, I'm one of the conda maintainers. I don't think you'll see a common package format because conda and pip serve very different use cases. pip is a package management tool for python, whereas conda is a package manager for conda environments, which can contain python packages, python itself, or really pretty much anything else (R, perl, lua, arbitrary binaries and shared libraries). You can use pip to manage python packages in conda environments. Historically, that has been fragile, because having two package managers manage the same space in different ways can result in undesirable clobbering and problems. The latest release of conda, 4.6, introduces some steps towards making conda more aware of pip's metadata, and also helping conda directly act on packages that have been installed using pip. I don't know what the pip community's plans are for the inverse. To make this a bit more complicated, Conda actually has a new package format in development. The basic outline is at https://docs.google.com/document/d/1HGKsbg_j69rKXPihhpCb1kNQSE8Iy3yOsUU2x68x... and some preliminary tools are at https://github.com/conda/conda-package-handling It all comes down to a few issues: 1. what metadata is necessary to install a package (and how is this expressed?) 2. what does a package represent? What can it contain, and how do tools unpack its contents into the right place? Most conda packages are just dumb extraction operations. Some require actual logic ("noarch python" packages, for example). I don't really think you'll ever see conda and pip using a single format, but I do think you'll see them operating in the same space more peacefully in the near future. On Sat, Jan 26, 2019 at 5:03 PM Antonio Cavallo < antonio.cavallo.71@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi, is there any initiative to share a common package format between conda and pip? They look very similar.
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participants (3)
Alex Walters
Antonio Cavallo
Michael Sarahan