How does buildout determine paths needed? (for django-page-cms)
I made a buildout with the config below that didn't work right and found it needed to have some extra paths added. Here is the extra path I needed: '/home/john/buildout/eggs/django_page_cms-1.1.3-py2.6.egg', '/home/john/buildout/eggs/django_page_cms-1.1.3-py2.6.egg/pages/templates/pages', pages was being found to not have the contents wanted. Is having a dir pages and pages/templates/pages a naming problem for buildout? If a search is being done for * in pages, it might stop short when the top level pages is found. Hints, suggestions how to resolve this appreciated. Meanwhile, every time I run buildout, I'll need to copy an paste that extra path... John -----buildout.cfg---- [buildout] eggs-directory = /home/john/buildout/eggs extensions = mr.developer parts = django eggs = mock django-notification django-page-cms django-haystack django-staticfiles django-messages django-mptt-2 whoosh [django] recipe = djangorecipe version = 1.2.1 settings = development wsgi = true eggs = ${buildout:eggs} project = industromatic_com --------buildout.cfg----------
On Mon, Jun 28, 2010 at 6:24 PM, John Griessen <> wrote:
I made a buildout with the config below that didn't work right and found it needed to have some extra paths added.
Here is the extra path I needed:
'/home/john/buildout/eggs/django_page_cms-1.1.3-py2.6.egg', '/home/john/buildout/eggs/django_page_cms-1.1.3-py2.6.egg/pages/templates/pages',
pages was being found to not have the contents wanted. Is having a dir pages and pages/templates/pages a naming problem for buildout? If a search is being done for * in pages, it might stop short when the top level pages is found.
Hints, suggestions how to resolve this appreciated. Meanwhile, every time I run buildout, I'll need to copy an paste that extra path...
This is almost certainly related to the workings of the djangorecipe, not buildout. I suggest asking this questions on the appropriate django mailing list or asking the author of the django recipe. Good luck. Jim -- Jim Fulton
participants (2)
Jim Fulton
John Griessen