I mentioned some time ago that it would be nice if everyone could agree how to configure object references. Mostly I just had in mind having Paste Deploy and zc.buildout use the same syntax, but it's something that comes up in ad hoc situations often as well. I wrote up a small implementation to push this idea forward a bit. I'm hoping to get some feedback here. In an unfortunate mishmash of syllables (name suggestions welcome) I named it obconfloader. You can read the description here: http://svn.pythonpaste.org/ObConfLoader/trunk/docs/index.txt I've also copied that description into this email. Status & License ---------------- ObConfLoader is under an `MIT-style permissive license <http://svn.pythonpaste.org/ObConfLoader/trunk/docs/license.txt>`_. Discussion should occur on `distutils-sig <http://www.python.org/community/sigs/current/distutils-sig/>`_; please be sure to put "ObConfLoader" in the subject line. The package is available in a `subversion repository <http://svn.pythonpaste.org/ObConfLoader/trunk#egg=ObConfLoader>`_, and the trunk can be installed with ``easy_install ObConfLoader==dev``. You can get a checkout with:: svn co http://svn.pythonpaste.org/ObConfLoader/trunk ObConfLoader Introduction ------------ ObConfLoader allows you to load objects from strings, typically for use in config files (or from the command line, or other locations where object references are necessary but the format is constrained). It also allows you to utilize `Setuptools entry points <http://peak.telecommunity.com/DevCenter/setuptools#entry-points>`_ to make public objects that can be referenced. The concept of an entry point group, or API, allows backward compatibility when using entry points. The basic usage is very simple:: from obconfloader import load_ob obj, ep_group = load_ob(a_string, ['mypackage.api']) assert ep_group is None or ep_group == 'mypackage.api' This loads the object from the given string, returning the object and the API it supports. The second argument is a list of entry point groups that you support. You can support multiple entry point groups, or no groups (by leaving out the second argument, or using None). If you leave out the second argument ``ep_group`` will always be None. There are several possible exceptions: ``LoadError``: The parent of all other exceptions; a generic error. ``ConfigSyntaxError``: The string itself is malformed. ``BadGroupError``: The group given doesn't match up with an acceptable input group. ``NotFoundError``: The referenced object can't be found (something like DistributionNotFound, ImportError, AttributeError). ``PythonError``: Some error with a Python expression, Python syntax, etc. Specification Format -------------------- There are several formats for strings: ``file /path/to/file.py`` This loads the given file, and returns the module object. ``file /path/to/file.py:dotted.name`` This loads the given file, and returns the object ``dotted.name`` inside it. ``file /path/to/file.py:dotted.name [entry.point.group]`` This loads the object, and indicates that the object supports the group ``entry.point.group``. This can be used when multiple APIs are supported, and the object doesn't use the default API. ``python module.name:dotted.name`` This loads the module ``module.name``, and returns the ``dotted.name`` object. Of course you can leave out ``dotted.name`` to return the module, and also add an entry point group. ``egg Distribution`` This loads the distribution (the package) ``Distribution``, and gets the ``main`` entry point, with the given entry point group. ``egg Distribution:entry_point_name`` Instead of the ``main`` entry point, this gets ``entry_point_name``. Other Schemes ------------- You can pass in a dictionary of extra schemes (besides ``file``, ``python``, and ``egg``) with the ``extra_schemes`` argument. All schemes are converted to lower case. The signature of a loader is:: def scheme_loader(string, groups, orig_string, position, group): if problem: raise LoadError("message", orig_string, position) return loaded_obj, group The meaning of the arguments: ``string``: The string you should load, like ``"/path/to/file.py:dotted.name"``. This leaves out the trailing group and the scheme. ``groups``: The entry point groups accepted. Schemes besides ``egg`` probably will ignore this. ``orig_string``: The full string, with scheme. Used primarily with any ``LoadError`` exceptions, to give the user back the full string they entered. ``position``: The position where the string was found; also used with exceptions. ``group``: If the string contained an explicit group, this will be that group (otherwise None). If you don't have any explicit notion of groups then you can just do the return as in the example. You should raise LoadError exceptions when at all possible; failures generally *are* expected. Open Issues ----------- * Just using a different data source (like a database) for Python code instead of a file isn't super-easy (you'd have to provide some kind of extra scheme). Maybe a little refactoring of ``load_file`` would make it easier. * Possibly ``load_file`` itself should have some resource-finding pluggability. This could be used to restrict the files that can be accessed. * Disabling a scheme by setting ``extra_schemes=dict(file=None)`` would be handy, but isn't clean now. * The form ``python module.name.object.name`` *looks* reasonable, but it has to be ``python module.name:object.name``. The error message isn't very helpful either (basically an import error). Probably it should Just Work. * I don't scan the system for extra kinds of schemes. No pluggability. I am shying away from doing complete entry point scans (e.g., with ``pkg_resources.iter_entry_points``) because of efficiency concerns. * There's no way to indicate an egg entry point name without distribution. Maybe ``egg *:ep_name`` should be allowed? This is inefficient, but the ``*`` makes it *look* inefficient too. * Should an implied scheme be allowed? E.g., something like Buffet (a template abstraction layer) basically needs an object reference to the renderer. Right now this *must* be an egg/entry point, but there's no reason it couldn't use other kinds of references. But the ideal specification would just be ``Distribution``, not ``egg Distribution``. A default scheme of egg would fix this. * There's nothing for non-Python-object resources, like files or templates. This is probably fine. * There's no built-in indirection. Ideally such indirection would happen in the config file or elsewhere in the system. * Some exceptions are swallowed, though an attempt is made to swallow only the most boring exceptions. * There are some FIXME's in the code.
participants (1)
Ian Bicking