Re: [Distutils] use of '_' in package name causing version parsing issue?

At 11:42 AM 3/12/2010 +0530, Baiju M wrote:
On Thu, Mar 11, 2010 at 9:13 PM, P.J. Eby <> wrote:
At 12:38 PM 3/11/2010 +0530, Baiju M wrote:
On Thu, Mar 11, 2010 at 11:05 AM, Baiju M <> wrote:
If "_" is a valid project_name identifier, why it is replaces with "-" ?
In order to have a canonicalized name form which can be escaped in filenames for unambiguous identification of an egg's project and version.
Egg filenames use '-' as a separator between name, version, python version, and platform. A '-' in any of these components is escaped as '_', so that the '-' remains a viable and unambiguous separator. This means that '_' gets turned back into a '-' when unescaped, so the mapping between '_' and '-' is part of the safe_name canonical form.
Sorry, I confused.
Then, why "_" was added as a valid project name identifier ?
It's a valid project name character; what it's not is a *canonical* project name character.
participants (1)
P.J. Eby