Building an intermediate library

I have an extension which I am trying to build using distutils. There are a series of .c files in a subdirectory, and a couple of driver C files. The subdirectory files should, ideally, be compiled and then built into a temporary .lib file, which is then linked with the 2 individual driver files to create two .pyd extensions. I can do the build by listing all of the subdirectory .c files in the build instructions for the 2 .pyds, but if I do this, the compiler (MSVC) doesn't seem to eliminate unused object files. So either I need to list exactly the right .c files for each extension, or I build the intermediate .lib. The problem is, I can't work out if it is possible to persuade distutils to build an intermediate library like this. Is it possible? If so, can anyone point me to any suitable examples of what to do? (Or alternatively, point me at the appropriate parts of the source, and appropriate example files, to allow me to work out how to do this for myself.) Thanks, Paul.

In article <>, Paul Moore <> writes
I have an extension which I am trying to build using distutils. There are a series of .c files in a subdirectory, and a couple of driver C files. The subdirectory files should, ideally, be compiled and then built into a temporary .lib file, which is then linked with the 2 individual driver files to create two .pyd extensions. I can do the build by listing all of the subdirectory .c files in the build instructions for the 2 .pyds, but if I do this, the compiler (MSVC) doesn't seem to eliminate unused object files. So either I need to list exactly the right .c files for each extension, or I build the intermediate .lib.
The problem is, I can't work out if it is possible to persuade distutils to build an intermediate library like this. Is it possible? If so, can anyone point me to any suitable examples of what to do? (Or alternatively, point me at the appropriate parts of the source, and appropriate example files, to allow me to work out how to do this for myself.)
Thanks, Paul. ... here's what I'm using with distutils to try and build the imaging stuff #!/usr/bin/env python '''Distutils setup for FLundh's imaging library''' import os, sys, string from distutils.core import setup, Extension from distutils.ccompiler import new_compiler
pyVer = string.split(sys.version)[0] tclVer = pyVer>='1.6' and '83' or '82' if sys.platform=="win32": _imaging_libs=['libImaging','libz','libjpeg','gdi32'] _imagingtk_libs=['libImaging','tk'+tclVer,'tcl'+tclVer] TCL_LIBDIR='../../tcl' TCL_INCDIR='/tcl/include' else: _imaging_libs=['Imaging','z','jpeg'] _imagingtk_libs=['Imaging','tk'+tclVer,'tcl'+tclVer] # Make sure the user has (configured and) built the C Imaging library. # Take advantage of the Distutils bureaucracy to generate the filename # of the library in a portable way. compiler = new_compiler() lib_file = os.path.join ("libImaging", compiler.library_filename (_imaging_libs[0])) JPEGINC='../jpeg-6b' ZLIBINC='../zlib-1.1.3' libImagingSRCs=['libImaging\\%s.c'%x for x in string.split('''Access Bands BitDecode Blend Chops Convert ConvertYCbCr Copy Crc32 Crop Dib Draw Effects EpsEncode Except File Fill Filter FliDecode Geometry GetBBox GifDecode GifEncode HexDecode Histo JpegDecode JpegEncode LzwDecode Matrix MspDecode Negative Offset Pack PackDecode Palette Paste Quant QuantHash QuantHeap PcdDecode PcxDecode PcxEncode Point RawDecode RawEncode Storage SunRleDecode TgaRleDecode Unpack UnpackYCC XbmDecode XbmEncode ZipDecode ZipEncode''')] _imaging_ext=Extension( '_imaging', ['_imaging.c', 'decode.c', 'encode.c', 'map.c', 'display.c', 'outline.c', 'path.c'], include_dirs = ['libImaging',JPEGINC,ZLIBINC], library_dirs= ['./libImaging'], libraries= _imaging_libs, ) _imagingtk_ext=Extension( '_imagingtk', ['_imagingtk.c', 'Tk/tkImaging.c'], include_dirs = ['libImaging',TCL_INCDIR], library_dirs= ['./libImaging',TCL_LIBDIR], libraries= _imagingtk_libs, ) setup( name = "PIL", version = "1.1.2", description = "Python Imaging Library", author = "Fredrik Lundh", author_email = "", url = "", packages = ['PIL'], libraries= [('libImaging', { 'sources': libImagingSRCs, 'include_dirs': [JPEGINC,ZLIBINC,], 'macros': [], } ), ], ext_modules = [_imaging_ext, _imagingtk_ext], ) if sys.platform=='win32' and ('install' in sys.argv or 'install_ext' in sys.argv): def MovePYDs(*F): for x in sys.argv: if x[:18]=='--install-platlib=': return src = sys.exec_prefix dst = os.path.join(src,'DLLs') for f in F: dstf = os.path.join(dst,f) try: os.remove(dstf) except: pass os.rename(os.path.join(src,f),dstf) MovePYDs('_imaging.pyd','_imagingtk.pyd') -- Robin Becker

On Sun, 15 Jul 2001 14:04:05 +0100, Robin Becker wrote:
here's what I'm using with distutils to try and build the imaging stuff [...]
Woo. That looks like a good example. Thanks, I'll learn from this.... (As the library I was trying to build was PIL, I'll probably use it as it stands as well :-) Had you sent this to Fredrik? It would be nice to have PIL with a proper distutils setup... Thanks, Paul.

In article <>, Paul Moore <> writes
On Sun, 15 Jul 2001 14:04:05 +0100, Robin Becker wrote:
here's what I'm using with distutils to try and build the imaging stuff [...]
Woo. That looks like a good example. Thanks, I'll learn from this.... (As the library I was trying to build was PIL, I'll probably use it as it stands as well :-)
Had you sent this to Fredrik? It would be nice to have PIL with a proper distutils setup... I know there are problems with Solaris and this script so I'll wait a bit. -- Robin Becker
participants (2)
Paul Moore
Robin Becker