OK, tonight's changes were worth another code snapshot. You'll find it on my Starship page, at: http://starship.python.net/~gward/python/distutils.html Distutils code snapshots will be distributed from there until further notice (ie., until I get back write access to python.org!). Changes: * minor tweakage to bdist_wininst.py: please try it out and make sure I didn't make any stupid typos * added C source for Thomas' installer in "misc" -- note that this is *not* yet in CVS, as I was (and am) unsure of the right way to handle DOS text files -- have to check the CVS book tomorrow * added Lyle Johnson's bcppcompiler.py to support Borland C++ Note that bcppcompiler.py doesn't actually work: Lyle reports a very odd problem when spawning the linker. I'm sure he'd gladly welcome debugging help, and I'd really like to see support for Borland's compiler working too. See the comment I added to the source for details. Please, everyone bash this code mercilessly. I'm planning to release Distutils 0.9 tomorrow or Thursday night, so that there's a real release out there a few days before Guido release Python 1.6b1 -- that way, if any real bone-headed mistakes have slipped in, we have a chance to fix 'em. Greg -- Greg Ward - maladjusted nerd gward@python.net http://starship.python.net/~gward/ The NSA. We care: we listen to our customers.
participants (1)
Greg Ward