Content of the .installed.cfg Buildout file

Hi, I know we are not supposed to have a look at the content of the .installed.cfg file and that buildout managed this by itself, but I took a look at it anyway. I found something, which looks strange at the first glance, and I wondered if it can any problem (or if I should _really_ let buildout handle this...). At the end of the file, there are a bunch of lines like this:: [buildout] installed_develop_eggs = [buildout] parts = database i18n test doc ... (actually, more than thirty). Those which have "parts" have different those parts in different order each one; there are some with "installed_develop_eggs" with a value and some with no value, despite there isn't any more developed component in the develop option of our configuration file. So, I wonder: is it normal or not? Actually, I ask this question, since we had a strange behavior this morning: there were some components which where still used as developed components, despite the fact that they have been removed from the buildout configuration file some hours ago (and some buildout execution latter) (there were still links lying in the develop-eggs/ directory), and I was a bit astonished to find that there were still values in .installed.cfg which referred to those developed paths... Cheers, Jonathan
participants (1)
Jonathan Ballet