Re: [Distutils] Generation of script during installation
At 04:06 PM 12/21/2005 -0800, Bob Ippolito wrote:
OK, so you're suggesting to install two copies of the same files: one in a fixed location (within site-packages) so that it's always accessible, and a copy for the user wherever he wants. This might work for my case, but how do I implement it? Do I need to override most of the install_* cmd to implement this logic, or there is some trick I can exploit?
Why not just include the header files in both install_headers and install_data (or equivalent)?
Well, if you're using Python 2.4 (or Python 2.3 with setuptools), just put the header files inside your package directories and use: package_data = {'': ['*.h']}, headers = ['srcdir/mypkg/foo.h', 'srcdir/mypkg/bar.h', ...], to include all .h files that are found in your package directories, and to also install the same files as headers.
participants (1)
Phillip J. Eby