Re: [Distutils] Where in setuptools is the setup.cfg install optimize=1 option processed?

At 06:23 PM 7/23/2007 -0400, Stanley A. Klein wrote:
I've been able to generate Fedora rpms for several Python packages since you provided the info on the setup.cfg [install] optimize=1 option when running bdist_rpm.
I'm now having the same problem trying to generate rpms for particular packages in the Enthought system that use some special setuptools in numpy that import the regular setuptools and make changes. I tried the setup.cfg [install] optimize=1 option and it appeared to have no effect (i.e., I got the old error).
Where in setuptools is this option processed? I would like to find the place in the numpy-modified setuptools I need to fix to get the same processing as the regular setuptools.
It's not a setuptools option, it's a distutils option. It's applied when the spec file generated by bdist_rpm runs " install" to copy the files to the target directory.
participants (1)
Phillip J. Eby