New submission from Jelle Zijlstra <>: says that only "classes that are defined at the top level of a module" can be pickled. But in fact these work fine in current Python, probably since 3.3 when __qualname__ was added ( Similarly, the docs claim only top-level functions can be pickled, but in fact methods nested in classes work fine. Example script demonstrating that these work: import pickle class X: class Y: pass def method(self): pass print(pickle.dumps(X.Y)) print(pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(X.Y))) print(pickle.dumps(X.Y())) print(pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(X.Y()))) print(pickle.dumps(X.method)) print(pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(X.method))) ---------- assignee: docs@python components: Documentation messages: 416625 nosy: JelleZijlstra, alexandre.vassalotti, docs@python priority: normal severity: normal status: open title: pickle docs are wrong about nested classes type: behavior versions: Python 3.10, Python 3.11, Python 3.9 _______________________________________ Python tracker <> <> _______________________________________