https://docs.python.org/3/howto/regex.html#repeating-things states:
*You can omit either m or n; in that case, a reasonable value is assumed
for the missing value. Omitting m is interpreted as a lower limit of 0,
while omitting n results in an upper bound of infinity.*
This is correct, for the cases of {m,} and {,n}. What isn't covered is the
simplest case {m} which matches the preceding item exactly m times.
PS https://docs.python.org/3/howto/regex.html is generally …
[View More]one of the best
bits of software documentation I have come across: it's a model
of simplicity and clarity, on a notoriously difficult topic.
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In this endpoint there is a typo
The statement:
task = asyncio.create_task(something())
res = await shield(task)
is equivalent to:
res = await something()
should be
The statement:
task = asyncio.create_task(something())
res = await shield(task)
is equivalent to:
res = await shield(something())
Dyussenov Nuraly
I found a very small typo in the documentation for the socket module for
python 3.11.5,
https://docs.python.org/3/library/socket.html#socket-objects. Near the
bottom of the page is a sentence that reads, "The client side will try
to connect to the all addresses returned as a result of the name
resolution, and sends traffic to the first one connected successfully.".
I think instead of "...the all addresses..." it should read "...all the
I will fill out a bug report …
[View More]if that is better than sending an email,
just let me know.
All best,
Hank Knox, FRSC
Schulich School of Music of
McGill University (retired)
Montreal, QC
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Dear Python Support,
Im home user of the Python package library.
I been using latest python version available in website: python.org.
Please review the Pip tool, that is supposed to download all the package library of Python. There is no full documentation available of this binary. There are links about it to whatever is available of this command in GitHub. The are no email about developers in GitHub to give feedback. MinGWb(and CygWin), another app for windows of Unix's environment, have no …
[View More]information.
More details:
There is no installation of pygame. Pip tool shows problems with Python's scripts.
There is no contact details about the developers in Python.org website.
Pip binary looks to be the Python tool to install software, there is no information about running a test to verify connection to verified Python Servers.
Pip tool maybe be corrupted. Python Professional developers should put an eye on this issue.
Provide locations of where is developing this packages.
Best Regards,
Eng. Peláez Uriel.
Location: Mexico City.
September 2023
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If a,b=500,500
a is b# True (a and b they have same memory location)
But, c,d=Id(a),id(b)
c is d # False
Id of a and Id of b is same but this statement return False
Rahul Podder