Mike Hoy added the comment: This should be all the requested changes. I've gone over the table entries (at least the first one, CodeType, with bitdancer on IRC). I've removed the descriptive language from below the table and added it to the table. Leaving the text below the table to deal with args and some descriptive text that was just too large to really fit into the right column of the table. One question though, do you want: BuiltinFunctionType BuiltinMethodType FrameType GeneratorType GetSetDescriptorType MemberDescriptorType TracebackType To be in the table as well. I'm a bit confused on this part. Just let me know. ---------- Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file27047/complete-patch-with-table-issue-11776.diff _______________________________________ Python tracker <report@bugs.python.org> <http://bugs.python.org/issue11776> _______________________________________