New submission from Valery Khamenya <>: The following intuitive construction with urllib2.build_opener().open() as: ... leads to AttributeError: addinfourl instance has no attribute '__exit__' says almost nothing about concept of closing. Could it be possible to add a canonical "with ... as:" example for urllib2.build_opener() ? Thanks, Valery ---------- assignee: docs@python components: Documentation, IO, Library (Lib) messages: 143836 nosy: Valery.Khamenya, docs@python priority: normal severity: normal status: open title: urllib2.build_opener().open() is not friendly to "with ... as:" type: resource usage versions: Python 2.6, Python 2.7, Python 3.1, Python 3.2, Python 3.3, Python 3.4 _______________________________________ Python tracker <> <> _______________________________________