Hi folks,

Not sure if this is a bug or just a weirdness with google.  When I do a google search such as "python subprocess", the first result that comes back looks like the following:

Showing results for python subprocess

17.1. subprocess - Python 3.4.0 documentation


The subprocess module allows you to spawn new processes, connect to their input/output/error pipes, and obtain their return codes. This module intends to ...

Notice the header says 3.4.0 but the link goes to python.org/2, and in fact when you click you are looking at the 2.x version docs.

I noticed this crop up about a week ago, I see it on lots of searches.  I don't see any reference to 3.4.0 in the source for that file, so I'm not sure how it could be a python.org issue, but I'm not a search engine expert.
