Mark Dickinson <> added the comment: Thanks for the patch! Comments: (1) Shouldn't 'reverse=True' be omitted in the second doc addition? (2) I'd also suggest adding a brief comment about what this means for distinct, but equal, objects; otherwise it's not really obvious what the point of the doc addition is. (3) As a matter of clarity, perhaps replace "this is" with "max(iterable, key=key) is", and similarly for min. As an aside, I still like Jeffrey Yasskin's suggestion on the python-dev mailing list that the sensible definition for max would maintain the invariant that max(iterable) be equivalent to sorted(iterable)[-1]; see Alexander Stepanov's writings in e.g., for more. But that's (a) another issue, and (b) perhaps not a significant enough benefit to be worth changing Python's semantics for. ---------- nosy: +jyasskin, mark.dickinson, rhettinger _______________________________________ Python tracker <> <> _______________________________________