Reviewers: berkerpeksag, File Doc/howto/curses.rst (right): Doc/howto/curses.rst:182: (height, width) = (5, 40) On 2015/04/12 11:17:30, berkerpeksag wrote:
() is not needed:
begin_x, begin_y = (20, 7)
is a valid Python code.
This was the most substantiate change I made in the patch -- I believe it was the only place where I violated my rule of "whitespace only". I wrapped the LHS in parens in an attempt to make it more new-user-friendly. I originally has what you wrote: a, b = (c, d) But, after looking at it, I was afraid that new users would get this confused with a = b = (c, d) This concern may not be founded of course, but just explaining the thought process behind the change. File Doc/howto/regex.rst (right): Doc/howto/regex.rst:1117: >>> p = re.compile( '(blue|white|red)' ) On 2015/04/12 11:17:30, berkerpeksag wrote:
p = re.compile('(blue|white|red)')
Drop the trailing spaces please.
I agree, the reason for keeping it like this ( <- with spaces -> ) is only because the author originally had a leading space before the arguments and no trailing space after. I tried to change as little as possible, so instead of removing the leading space, I added a trailing space for balance. But I agree that there should be neither. File Doc/library/subprocess.rst (right): Doc/library/subprocess.rst:942: # ==> On 2015/04/12 11:17:30, berkerpeksag wrote:
Perhaps ``# becomes`` or something like that would be better here.
The `# becomes` style is actually used earlier in the document: I'm not sure why it changes part way through either. File Doc/reference/simple_stmts.rst (right): Doc/reference/simple_stmts.rst:334: if not expression: raise AssertionError On 2015/04/12 11:17:30, berkerpeksag wrote:
if not expression: raise AssertionError
Yes, this would be the most compliant, and I can change this. Because of the many lines of code in the docs that contain what I called "trival blocks" in-line with conditions, I had to start conditionally ignoring them. if <cond>: <trivial block> Ended up getting ignored, provided that <trivial block> was exactly "pass", "continue", "break", or (less trivially) started with "print" or "raise". Please review this at Affected files: Doc/distutils/apiref.rst Doc/faq/design.rst Doc/faq/library.rst Doc/faq/programming.rst Doc/howto/curses.rst Doc/howto/descriptor.rst Doc/howto/functional.rst Doc/howto/logging-cookbook.rst Doc/howto/logging.rst Doc/howto/regex.rst Doc/howto/unicode.rst Doc/howto/urllib2.rst Doc/howto/webservers.rst Doc/library/abc.rst Doc/library/argparse.rst Doc/library/asynchat.rst Doc/library/asyncio-sync.rst Doc/library/asyncore.rst Doc/library/audioop.rst Doc/library/ Doc/library/collections.rst Doc/library/concurrent.futures.rst Doc/library/configparser.rst Doc/library/contextlib.rst Doc/library/crypt.rst Doc/library/ctypes.rst Doc/library/email.headerregistry.rst Doc/library/getopt.rst Doc/library/html.parser.rst Doc/library/http.client.rst Doc/library/inspect.rst Doc/library/ipaddress.rst Doc/library/locale.rst Doc/library/mailcap.rst Doc/library/mmap.rst Doc/library/multiprocessing.rst Doc/library/optparse.rst Doc/library/re.rst Doc/library/shelve.rst Doc/library/ssl.rst Doc/library/string.rst Doc/library/subprocess.rst Doc/library/threading.rst Doc/library/tkinter.rst Doc/library/tokenize.rst Doc/library/types.rst Doc/library/unittest.rst Doc/library/urllib.request.rst Doc/library/wsgiref.rst Doc/library/xml.dom.minidom.rst Doc/library/xml.etree.elementtree.rst Doc/library/xmlrpc.client.rst Doc/reference/datamodel.rst Doc/reference/expressions.rst Doc/reference/simple_stmts.rst Doc/tutorial/appendix.rst Doc/tutorial/classes.rst Doc/tutorial/controlflow.rst Doc/tutorial/errors.rst Doc/tutorial/inputoutput.rst Doc/tutorial/introduction.rst Doc/tutorial/modules.rst Doc/tutorial/stdlib.rst Doc/tutorial/stdlib2.rst Doc/whatsnew/3.2.rst Doc/whatsnew/3.3.rst Doc/whatsnew/3.4.rst