New submission from Chris Jerdonek <>: The documentation on generators (outside of PEP 255) does not currently educate the reader on the more specific "generator function" and "generator iterator" terminology, or at least not in any consistent or systematic way. For example, the glossary includes only a single entry for "generator," and that entry does not mention the two more specific forms. I think it would help for general discourse purposes if this distinction were made clearer, while still continuing to allow for the use of the generic word "generator" when the context makes it clear. There are also cases where index entries can be improved in this regard, and where references to the section containing details about generators can still be added. I am in the process of completing a proposed patch. ---------- assignee: docs@python components: Documentation keywords: easy messages: 166474 nosy: cjerdonek, docs@python priority: normal severity: normal status: open title: consistent treatment of generator terminology versions: Python 3.3 _______________________________________ Python tracker <> <> _______________________________________