12 Sep
12 Sep
7:44 a.m.
Matthew Woodcraft <matthew@woodcraft.me.uk> added the comment:
(1) Shouldn't 'reverse=True' be omitted in the second doc addition?
Yes, of course, sorry.
(2) I'd also suggest adding a brief comment about what this means for distinct, but equal, objects; otherwise it's not really obvious what the point of the doc addition is.
(3) As a matter of clarity, perhaps replace "this is" with "max(iterable, key=key) is", and similarly for min.
I've attached a new patch incorporating these suggestions. ---------- Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file18858/functions.rst.patch _______________________________________ Python tracker <report@bugs.python.org> <http://bugs.python.org/issue9802> _______________________________________