Jan. 30, 2017
11:53 a.m.
https://bugs.python.org/review/29247/diff/19866/Doc/library/select.rst File Doc/library/select.rst (right): https://bugs.python.org/review/29247/diff/19866/Doc/library/select.rst#newco... Doc/library/select.rst:346: Wait for events. *timeout* in seconds (float) Return a list of On 2017/01/30 12:39:39, marco.buttu wrote:
Is there a missing dot after (float)? I mean: "...in seconds (float). Return a list
Maybe it is worth indicating that timeout=-1 makes poll wait indefinitely. What about: "...*timeout* in seconds (float), and ``timeout=-1`` makes poll wait indefinitely. Return..." ? https://bugs.python.org/review/29247/