A picture is worth a thousand words here.  Let’s start with an old version of the python tutorial.


At the top of the page, we have a drop down menu:

Using this menu, we can quickly “flip back” to old versions of the tutorial (as far back as 2.7), or forward all the way to 3.13.

We can do this for basically any page of documentation.  Most importantly, we can do this for any part of the standard library.

In python 3.8, the range of versions we can choose has expanded: we can pick versions that are long out of support like 2.6 or 3.1.

I like this actually: it should be easy to get docs for python 2.6 even if no further updates are planned.

(This is something Python does much better than the GNU project (in my opinion), where typically the website only has the docs for the latest and greatest version of, say, bash or grep conveniently accessible.)

But starting from 3.8, clicking a version doesn’t take you to “same” page in the new version.

It drops you back at the table of contents.


That’s all I have for now I guess.

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