3.9.7 downloadable docs missing from web interface, but do exist

3.9.7 downloadable docs missing It seems there is no coordination between release of the python interpreter and the documentation. Perhaps the two parts of the web pages could be updated together as one transaction to ensure there is never one without the other (only matched sets of docs/interpreter can be put live on the page)? I refer specifically to https://docs.python.org/3.9/download.html and https://www.python.org/downloads/release/python-397/ and I need the html .tar.bz2 from docs to build the python if I want online help, right? It must exist or they couldn't build the binary releases, right? But it isn't on the web site anywhere I can find it. I did hunt around and finally found it here: https://www.python.org/ftp/python/doc/3.9.7/ But will most people be that patient? Anyway, please reconsider your current policy (for last several releases) of not releasing this stuff in tandem in one transaction via the website. It's irksome to have to go hunt for it every time.... It's not my browser webcache (I cleared it to be sure).
participants (1)
John Ham