error in documentation for struct

Thanks for being a volunteer and helping to make Python more perfect. In the documentation for struct.unpack_from I think there is an error: the "/" should not be present? struct.unpack_from(format, /, buffer, offset=0) [cid:image003.jpg@01D7ED1A.8570BE10] regards, Neal.

Hiya! The / is specifying that "format" is a positional-only argument to the function. You can learn more about what that means here: Best, Pradyun PS: I appreciate that you sent the text form of the function signature as well as a link to the page, in addition to a screenshot of the function. That made it easier to read and look up what exactly you're asking about. :) On Sun, Dec 12, 2021 at 1:47 PM Neal Crook <> wrote:

Hi Arthur, Pradyun, Thank you both for your helpful emails and the links/references. I realise now that I made an elementary rookie error in thinking that this was a typo, and I can see the purpose/importance of this notation. In answer to Arthur's question: my first attempt to use 'unpack_from' failed because I included the "/" literally in my call. I got it working on the second try by removing the slash and then I thought I'd be a good citizen by reporting the typo ☹ regards, Neal. From: Pradyun Gedam <> Sent: 13 December 2021 09:11 To: Neal Crook <> Cc: Subject: Re: [docs] error in documentation for struct [External Email]: This email arrived from an external source - Please exercise caution when opening any attachments or clicking on links. Hiya! The / is specifying that "format" is a positional-only argument to the function. You can learn more about what that means here:<*special-parameters__;Iw!!KkVubWw!zXRWO2GefGCvzGpv3_DhtcjV4YidrXyBsH6HEg3_Byw6aZ5PM7nuJMvixL7ZUJYb$> Best, Pradyun PS: I appreciate that you sent the text form of the function signature as well as a link to the page, in addition to a screenshot of the function. That made it easier to read and look up what exactly you're asking about. :) On Sun, Dec 12, 2021 at 1:47 PM Neal Crook <<>> wrote: Thanks for being a volunteer and helping to make Python more perfect. In the documentation for struct.unpack_from I think there is an error: the "/" should not be present?<;!!KkVubWw!zXRWO2GefGCvzGpv3_DhtcjV4YidrXyBsH6HEg3_Byw6aZ5PM7nuJMvixK9n-5_I$> struct.unpack_from(format, /, buffer, offset=0) [cid:image003.jpg@01D7F005.0F2E8A50] regards, Neal. _______________________________________________ docs mailing list --<> To unsubscribe send an email to<><;!!KkVubWw!zXRWO2GefGCvzGpv3_DhtcjV4YidrXyBsH6HEg3_Byw6aZ5PM7nuJMvixLJTYyv_$> Member address:<>

Hiya! The / is specifying that "format" is a positional-only argument to the function. You can learn more about what that means here: Best, Pradyun PS: I appreciate that you sent the text form of the function signature as well as a link to the page, in addition to a screenshot of the function. That made it easier to read and look up what exactly you're asking about. :) On Sun, Dec 12, 2021 at 1:47 PM Neal Crook <> wrote:

Hi Arthur, Pradyun, Thank you both for your helpful emails and the links/references. I realise now that I made an elementary rookie error in thinking that this was a typo, and I can see the purpose/importance of this notation. In answer to Arthur's question: my first attempt to use 'unpack_from' failed because I included the "/" literally in my call. I got it working on the second try by removing the slash and then I thought I'd be a good citizen by reporting the typo ☹ regards, Neal. From: Pradyun Gedam <> Sent: 13 December 2021 09:11 To: Neal Crook <> Cc: Subject: Re: [docs] error in documentation for struct [External Email]: This email arrived from an external source - Please exercise caution when opening any attachments or clicking on links. Hiya! The / is specifying that "format" is a positional-only argument to the function. You can learn more about what that means here:<*special-parameters__;Iw!!KkVubWw!zXRWO2GefGCvzGpv3_DhtcjV4YidrXyBsH6HEg3_Byw6aZ5PM7nuJMvixL7ZUJYb$> Best, Pradyun PS: I appreciate that you sent the text form of the function signature as well as a link to the page, in addition to a screenshot of the function. That made it easier to read and look up what exactly you're asking about. :) On Sun, Dec 12, 2021 at 1:47 PM Neal Crook <<>> wrote: Thanks for being a volunteer and helping to make Python more perfect. In the documentation for struct.unpack_from I think there is an error: the "/" should not be present?<;!!KkVubWw!zXRWO2GefGCvzGpv3_DhtcjV4YidrXyBsH6HEg3_Byw6aZ5PM7nuJMvixK9n-5_I$> struct.unpack_from(format, /, buffer, offset=0) [cid:image003.jpg@01D7F005.0F2E8A50] regards, Neal. _______________________________________________ docs mailing list --<> To unsubscribe send an email to<><;!!KkVubWw!zXRWO2GefGCvzGpv3_DhtcjV4YidrXyBsH6HEg3_Byw6aZ5PM7nuJMvixLJTYyv_$> Member address:<>
participants (2)
Neal Crook
Pradyun Gedam