Python documentation : some points requiring attention

Hi Georg, Here is a second list of issues found while navigating through the rich Python 3.1.1 official documentation. Hope this would be useful. With regards. Jacques DUCASSE FRANCE NB : in your reply to my previous email, you say you couldn't find the "default ascii encoding" in the HowTo. Here I join a screenshot of this. Georg Brandl a écrit :
Am 21.03.2010 00:02, schrieb Jacques:
First, I want to thank you for the useful and clear documentation of Python.
Beeing a fanatic reader of it, sometimes I encounter some mistake (or it seems to me it is such). If this could bring some help, you will find in the attached file a list of points requiring attention.
All the comments concern the official standard documentation of Python 3.1.1.
Hi Jacques,
thanks for the thorough list of issues! I'm going to copy them inline here and add answers.
How-to Unicode 1.3 Encodings ?For example, Python?s default encoding is the ?ascii? encoding? This was true in the past but, now, it defaults to UTF-8.
I can't seem to find that sentence in the 3.1 HOWTO text.
Thanks! Georg
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