Enhancement to http://docs.python.org/py3k/library/readline.html?highlight=readline#readline

http://docs.python.org/py3k/library/readline.html?highlight=readline#readlin... a number of things about readline. However, it does not tell how to use the readline library as a bigger and better souped-up sys.stdin.readline(). I gave up and asked on StackOverflow, where someone told me that input() will take advantage of any readline import, which helped me but wasn't the answer because I wasn't trying to emulate the Python interpreter and treat lines as automatically Python commands. That documentation referred to me what I needed to know, namely that if I wanted to improve on sys.stdin.readline(), I should import readline and call raw_input(). There are a couple of examples provided on the page, but none of them hints at how to use readline to get a bigger and better sys.stdin.readline(). -- [image: Christos Jonathan Hayward] <http://jonathanscorner.com/> Christos Jonathan Hayward, an Orthodox Christian author. *Amazon <http://amazon.com/author/cjshayward>* • Author Bio<http://jonathanscorner.com/author/> • *Email <christos.jonathan.hayward@gmail.com>* • Facebook<http://www.facebook.com/christos.jonathan.hayward> • Google Plus <http://jonathanscorner.com/plus> • *Kindle<http://stornge.com/amazon> * • LinkedIn <http://www.linkedin.com/in/jonathanhayward> • *Professional<http://jonathanhayward.com/> * • Twitter <http://twitter.com/JonathansCorner> • *Web<http://jonathanscorner.com/> * • What's New? <http://jonathanscorner.com/> I invite you to visit my "theology, literature, and other creative works" site. *See one page of my website! <http://random.jonathanscorner.com/>*
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Jonathan Hayward