[issue7061] Improve 24.5. turtle doc
Alexander Belopolsky <belopolsky@users.sourceforge.net> added the comment: While working on issue 10225, I have found several mistakes in turtle.rst examples. It probably makes sense to review these separately and commit as part of this issue rather than bunching with the other issue 10225 changes. There are still two remaining failures that I attribute to sphinx bugs. One is due to an already reported ellipsis bug, and the other is a rather strange failure in the shapetransform example. Georg, can you take a look? File "library/turtle.rst", line 1272, in default Failed example: turtle.shapetransform() Expected: (4.0, -1.0, -0.0, 2.0) Got: (2.82842712474619, -2.121320343559643, 2.8284271247461907, 0.7071067811865472) Note that this test succeeds when it is the only test in a file. ---------- Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file19418/issue7061b.diff _______________________________________ Python tracker <report@bugs.python.org> <http://bugs.python.org/issue7061> _______________________________________
participants (1)
Alexander Belopolsky