I am trying to remember and reconstruct what I am talking about.
I found the original message and it shows I was using ipython3
sys.argv holds a different value under ipython3 and python3.
The documentation of python 3.6.10 regarding argument parsing does
indeed match what you report for python3. But it behaves differently
for ipython3. At least while using it interactively.
But also in script processing
I just tried the following script
----- begin script
import sys
print("argument parsing")
------- end script
script processing under ipython3 does following
$ ipython3 argument-parsing.py
argument parsing
script processing under python3 does following
$ python3 argument-parsing.py
argument parsing
If one is aware of the difference one can compensate for it.
I currently do not have space in my life and my head to further pursuit
this or programming.
So I will leave at this.
The documentation is correct but their is a difference in argument
parsing for python 3.8 and ipython3 version 7.13.0 That can lead to
errors. At least in this specific trial and for these versions specified.
On 4/06/2021 16:06, Julien Palard wrote:
Hi, you're quoting a long paragraph, I don't know what's wrong in it,
let's try:
Le 3/14/21 à 8:48 PM, guyrenebongers71 via docs a écrit :
it reads : when no script and no arguments are given, sys.argv[0] is an
empty string.
$ python
import sys
[''] # This one looks OK
When the script name is given as '-' (meaning standard input),
sys.argv[0] is set to '-'.
$ echo "print(__import__('sys').argv)" | python -
# This one looks OK too.
When -c command is used, sys.argv[0] is set
to '-c'.
$ python -c 'print(__import__("sys").argv)'
# This one is OK too.
When -m module is used, sys.argv[0] is set to the full name of
the located module.
$ echo "print(__import__('sys').argv)" > argv.py
$ python -m argv
Maybe this one? "full name" could be written "full path"?
Options found after -c command or -m module are not
consumed by the Python interpreter’s option processing but left in sys.argv
for the command or module to handle.
$ python -c "print(__import__('sys').argv)" foo bar
['-c', 'foo', 'bar']
# This one is true too.
$ python -m argv foo bar
['/home/mdk/clones/python/python-docs-fr/argv.py', 'foo', 'bar']
# This one is true too.
OOOhhhhhh I think I understand, you tried with ipython, not python, in
which case it's the IPython documentation that should tell it's the full
path, not the Python documentation, an I right?
[Julien Palard](https://mdk.fr)