[issue20110] Misleading word used for __annotations__
New submission from Claudiu.Popa: The documentation for `__annotations__` specify that the dict contains the parameter names ``or`` the return, but this is misleading, because `return` exists even if the parameter keys are present. ---------- assignee: docs@python components: Documentation files: doc_annotation.patch keywords: patch messages: 207183 nosy: Claudiu.Popa, docs@python priority: normal severity: normal status: open title: Misleading word used for __annotations__ versions: Python 3.4 Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file33297/doc_annotation.patch _______________________________________ Python tracker <report@bugs.python.org> <http://bugs.python.org/issue20110> _______________________________________
Roundup Robot added the comment: New changeset 203ca77ea819 by Benjamin Peterson in branch '3.3': correct word for __annotations__ doc (closes #20110) http://hg.python.org/cpython/rev/203ca77ea819 New changeset 3e75f649e93b by Benjamin Peterson in branch 'default': merge 3.3 (#20110) http://hg.python.org/cpython/rev/3e75f649e93b ---------- nosy: +python-dev resolution: -> fixed stage: -> committed/rejected status: open -> closed _______________________________________ Python tracker <report@bugs.python.org> <http://bugs.python.org/issue20110> _______________________________________
participants (2)
Roundup Robot