Maybe I'm especially slow in finding out about
a Magic Square, 128 by 128, that also works
when its elements are 2nd powered, and works
again when they're 3rd powered. OMG!
As a worker bee on along the data science track,
showing noobs the ropes re Python's ecosystem
in the pandas numpy matplotlib seaborn department,
I see the potential for relevant skills building.
Find the Square in question (Tarry's) on the …
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get it into a DataFrame, and do all the auditing it'd
take to verify its Magic Squarehood. We know it's
legit in advance, so the job is more one of learning
the tool set.
I'm not suggesting anyone has to use my Notebook
as is, just that it shows off this idea. I also use AI
to (a) provide a strict definition of Magic Square and
(b) remind me how to get the bottom left to top
right diagonal of a 2-d numpy array.
Finally, the NB reminds us that embedded YouTubes
are possible and in this case the Numberphile video
gives all the history and context, situating this
exhibit within a grand museum of magic square maths.
The YouTube won't appear or play as a thumbnail
when the NB is served up by Github, but will when
the same NB is served through nbviewer, or gets
served locally by your own Lab or Notebook server.
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