I have reviewed
your site and feel that it is of an excellent quality compared to many on the
We are looking for sites with which we can trade reciprocal links.
Our site is called A1 Online Marketing Advertising and deals with marketing, advertising and
web design.
It is a perfect complement to your site as it will assist your visitors
in marketing their companies. By linking
to us, you would provide your visitors a way to find a site they would likely
find interesting, thus enhancing their experience at "your" site.
search engine, which will contain your link, operates on a 6:5 ratio.
For every 5 unique click-throughs we receive from you, we pass 6
back. This ensures that you always have a constant, fresh source of
Further, many search engines such as Google, Inktomi and Altavista
include reciprocal linking as part of their algorithm. By exchanging links, you
will be able to get listed higher in their search results.
Please go to
search engine to add your site and find details on how to link to
Thank you,