Dave writes:
I've used gtk/pygtk quite a bit and gtkglext with pyopengl a little bit. I suggest you take a look at glade for designing the interface along with libglade for parsing it. You can find a number of articles/tutorials about using it here (yes, one of them is by me and discusses glade/libglade):
Thanks for this tip. And there is this artcle as well, linked from the site you reference: http://primates.ximian.com/~sandino/python-glade/ I find it quite reassuring to see such recent dates on these kinds of articles. And am getting a bit excited about getting hands-on with all this. It's interesting to see that Hilaire Fernandes also wrote some articles on the subject of PyGTK/Glade. I know of him as a worthy competitor - the author of Dr. Geo (http://www.ofset.org/drgeo ) - and a moving force behind The Organization of for Free Software in Education and Teaching http://www.ofset.org/ I did not know of any interest/involvement he had directly with Python before this, however. And related to prior discussion, this CookBook recipe allows one to experiment with building PyGTK GUI components from the interactive prompt: http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Cookbook/Python/Recipe/65109 There is another such python module out there providing this functionality, but I don't find it out the moment. I'll have to try doing VPython inetractively through this mechanism and see if it tells me anything. Art