-----Original Message----- From: Arthur [mailto:ajsiegel@optonline.net] Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2006 9:12 AM To: 'kirby urner'; 'Arthur' Cc: edu-sig@python.org Subject: RE: [Edu-sig] How to Think Like A Computer Scientist
From: kirby urner [mailto:kirby.urner@gmail.com]
Complex x = new Complex (); x.real = 1.0; x.imag = 2.0; Complex y = new Complex (3.0, 4.0);
Yes, that's a change-in-place ability, true.
And exactly what I need to have my Complexes do the PyGeo dance.
The developer of this math library for Eiffel includes both mutable and immutable complex number classes. http://www.eiffelzone.com/esd/mathw/index.html To what extent that reflects the approach taken in the book he references: Object-Oriented Implementation of Numerical Methods; ISBN: 1-55860-679-3. can't say. Art