Hello again, Bryce! I just took a look at your site and it looks nice! I would like to ask two favors: 1. Can we list you on the list of schools page? http://www.ibiblio.org/obp/pyBiblio/schools.php If that is okay, please send a paragram describing your school/program to Lex Berezhny: lex@berezhny.net 2. Can I put your exercises/nots on the pyBiblio site as well? My hope is that by leveraging the sharing and collaboration made possible by free content and the web we can both enhance student learning and reduce our work load at the same time. I put more hours than I can remember into working on the text book (it was fun), but I'm glad now that Tim is writing up interesting projects, so I don't have to do that. The more materials we can get on the site the easier it will be for other teachers to use Python. Thanks! jeff elkner yorktown high school arlington, va On Thu, 2001-11-29 at 12:30, Bryce Embry wrote:
(my stuff is at http://www.bembry.org/tech/python/index.shtml )
Bryce Embry --- Geek of All Trades, Master of None --- Margolin Hebrew Academy --- 390 South White Station --- Memphis, TN 38117 --- (901) 682-2409