PYTHON Python: I love for its readability on two levels: 1. - consistent syntax and mostly very clear logical flow top to bottom. 2. - friendly visual syntax mainly derived from the obligatory but liberating white-space indentation Scrolling down and scanning large chunks of python code, I detect a well tempered rhythm. The blocks, indentations, naming and repetition reveal a similar construct pattern across myriad examples. This is a very 'un-scientific' comment I realize, but one perhaps worthwhile investigating.. I love Python's writability for two main reasons also: a. - executable pseudo-code .. to me Python is very sculptural. You start by naming and imagining things and relationships and then proceed to sketch them in. With time and skill you just keep going, implementing details and functionality. Play and exploration are encouraged, as is throwing things away when one has a better insight. I think this stems from the fact that because everything in Python is an object, one must name it, and doing so makes it exist. you might argue that is true for all languages, and I would agree, but Python seems very direct in the workflow from imagine, to model to further implementation adn naming and objects [tokens??]are present in the same manner every step of the way. b. - dictionaries and named arguments ..yes thank you Guido! I argue named arguments are a major reason why Python is readable and makes a great learning language. You take your semantic token map with you and share it liberally with all who come after. Dictionaries are the engine behind this. What you call something or assign a value/meaning too is more important than where it comes in the sequence, and we people should not be persecuted by having to interpret lists of unidentified symbols. Once you know how to 'read' a little Python, you know how to read most Python. Ditto writing. There is evident a clear design pattern here, which apart from a few characterful idiosyncrasies, works very well. This I think makes it especially suitable for teaching programming. And I agree with Kirby, it is a very cosmopolitan language. I would stress also that any language for people to learn is only as good as its community. Even if a small tribe, is it a living growing language? I believe the mood and quality of its culture is especially crucial for learning computer programming. [From age 9, I studied Latin for 5 years, but never was any teacher able to articulate successfully why we should study Latin, despite the daily question from some prankster in class. I am glad I studied Latin, but wish to god that at the time there had been a more cosmopolitan context provided for our study.. connections to the past, present and future, common concepts, omni present structure, etc.. At 12 years old I doubt if I would have responded this vocabulary, but certainly to the meaning of them. As you may have noted, I have been having list of fun exploring Rebol. It has provided some valuable fresh perspectives. REBOL notes Rebol is interesting in parallel to Python because readability is also a prime design goal. Rebol puts great emphasis on minimal simplicity of syntax and a readability from left to write which hopes to attain a pragmatic but simplified feeling, inspired by natural language such as English:
send somebody something send %notes_on_python.txt send read
English and almost all human spoken languages are full of oddness, some more than others. But it is undeniable that a verb like 'send' is pretty universal idea, regardless of protocol, syntax, etc. Rebol's author Carl Sassenrath was formerly a bigtime Smalltalk fan and credits a mathematical theory of 'Denotational Semantics' with playing a role in the design philosophy underpinning Rebol. I know almost nothing about this yet myself, but following that thread, you might find some research, theory and metrics helpful to your Ph.D.. Denotational Semantics Understand the basic idea of calculating the meaning of a program as some element of a semantic domain. The links to papers I find: [most are painfully academic to me, ymmv ;-)] <quote> Denotational semantics On the other hand, from the point of view of the programmer, who, in the case of real number computation, is typically a mathematician, a physicist or an engineer, representation details are mostly irrelevant. Whereas the operational semantics assigns computational mechanisms to program constructs, the denotational semantics assigns mathematical entities to them. These entities are real numbers, functions, sequences etc. </quote> I have read Python mythology interviews with Guido which refer to ABC and lessons learned from that. Hopefully there is more in the core Python design history which could help you too. hth Good Luck - Jason ----- Original Message ----- From: "Jeffrey Elkner" <> To: <> Sent: Saturday, September 29, 2001 11:47 AM Subject: [Edu-sig] measuring python...
Hi All!
I'm trying to get together a master's thesis and was hoping to do something related to Python's suitability as a language for teaching programming. I was thinking of comparing Python, C++, and Java solutions to common first year computer science problems in terms of length and readability.
Comparing length is not a problem. "Readability" on the other hand is not easy to define in any quantifiable way. I was thinking of trying something like "tokens per line".
Any thoughts?