I started with a reminder of how Python comes with this huge standard library, but then is routinely supplemented with still more 3rd party libraries. Case in point: Pygeo -- it depends on Numeric (very wide spread) and VPython (less wide spread but still popular). We all installed Pygeo and played with the examples for awhile (Islamic Patterns especially). I extolled the virtues of open source yet again: you may learn from my friend Arthur's source code, just how one throws together an app of this nature. Then I dove head first into a detailed exposition of RSA, using my rsa.py and talking about Bob, Alice and Eve, per usual. Then we dove into vectors for awhile: translation, rotation and scaling being the big 3 computer graphics transformations. I started constructing a vector class, then switched to a fully developed one. That led us back to POV-Ray and some pre-rendered polyhedra downloaded off the netlib library. That took me out to the Internet and George Hart's site (georgehart.com), where we took some time with VRML views of Archimedeans (13), Platonics (5) and Johnson polys (92). That got me into talking about stereo and cross-your-eyes freeviewing techniques (Springie went 3D over this last week, but I couldn't find my stash of glasses). We checked some examples at grunch.net/snelson Then I let them play and explore, handing out evaluations, certificates of completion. My own assessment: I dropped the ball a few times in this final class. The RSA stuff was a reach and needs work. I'm not going to abandon that effort. I think I at least got the gist of it communicated. I had this whole rap about Calculus Mountain and how I was taking a path *around* it to give 'em a sneak preview of stuff usually hidden on the other side. I invoked a scene from 'Lord of the Rings' -- wouldn't been better to have played the actual clip (trying to get over those mountains, before opting for the way beneath: Moria). The vector part was weak and my attempts to connect back to the pre-written stuff was clunky. But the biggest and most important omission was this: I totally spaced diving into J, which I was saving as a kind of mind-expanding farewell experience, a telling reminder that the world of computer languages is big and full of interesting animals. I could feel the void, like the class had ended too soon, with me short on material. That's why. Next time, I need to have a notebook with a script. I'm glad I get to run through this same course again come April. I'll be rereading my notes here on edu-sig, polishing, making things connect better -- provided anyone signs up that is. The weather is getting nice and it's getting harder to imagine anyone willingly spending so many hours on such sunny days in a darkened computer lab. I likely won't do as detailed a post mortem on each and every segment next time. This was a good experience though. Kirby