I'd like to announce the simple frame buffer module that I wacked together after being fed up with having to create a GUI every time I wanted to illustrate something simple in Python (such as the iterative improvement of some problem). A short sample:
import fb # import module f = fb.FrameBuffer() # create an instance f.open(200, 200, "demo") # open a window named "demo" for i in range(10, 190): # simple loop f.fg = (i, i, i) # set fg colour f.plot(i, i) # plot f.flip() # flip buffers raw_input('enter to quit') # wait for keypress f.close() # close window
it is nice to see more support for graphics based stuff coming in python. i'm the author of pygame, which does very similar things with SDL, http://www.pygame.org pygame is more of a full-coverage wrapping for the SDL library, which could make it a bit top-heavy for someone looking for simple framebuffer access. still, it can perform like this above example without too much extra overhead. pygame.init() #initialize f = pygame.display.set_mode((200,200)) #open framebuffer for i in range(10, 190): f.set_at((i, i), (i, i, i)) #set grey pixels pygame.display.flip() #flip buffers while pygame.event.wait().type not in (QUIT,KEYDOWN): pass #wait for input pygame.quit() #optional quit