(a few minutes old as of now)

For continuity...  for the elders here, I was
pushing an "HP4E" meme here on edu-sig 
and elsewhere, a play on Guido's CP4E but 
obviously something else.  

The above link is to my Youtube channel [1], 
and a 20 minute video just published, further 
elucidating said HP4E meme.[2]  

Python is in the mix, throughout my channel 
and here too, but you won't see any source 
code. edu-sig is mentioned in passing.

Feel free to skip.  There's a front door to 
this course-in-progress for more context.[3]

I just wanted to provide an update for anyone 
curious about my ongoing project, which relates 
to American literature (think of me as a lit prof 
with some ties to the Python world [4] (or 
"Python nation" as I've cast it sometimes)).

Kirby Urner
Portland, OR
